
Something "Grate"

I'll be on Studio 5 {TODaY}  at 11:00 on channel 5 for all you locals out there.  Tune in to see some charming decorating ideas I'll be showing that not only work for Halloween but transition fabulously into Fall. 

I've had a lot of fun dreaming up some new projects & thinking outside the box a little bit using some things that I had just lying around in a new way.  I love when you find a useful way to use something ordinary in an extrodinary way. 

These metal goodies are one of my absolute FaVORiTE Halloween decor accessories- be sure to tune in tomorrow & I'll show you how these make for a "grate" porch display on  Halloween night.

-Yes, I have a vintage cheese grater collection.
Who doesn't? ;)} 

Ok, off to pack & get ready for a trip into the city tomorrow. Hope to hear from you soon! 



  1. Good Luck my friend! I have no doubt that you will rock it!

  2. Have fun on Studio 5 - I will look forward to seeing your creative inventions :)

  3. Thanks friends- you are so sweet & the best cheerleaders ever!! :)

  4. Such cute ideas on Studio 5. Good Job!
    Does your friend still have any garage door boards? I would love to get one. I Love that idea
    Thanks Melissa for your Great ideas
    Angela L


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