
Pick a # & a question for you


I've had a lot of people asking for a blog post about my recent Studio 5 segment, so as always thanks for your interest & here you go.   
{feel free to "pin" anything you like too}

  I'm curious which of the 5 things that I shared on the decorating segment did you like best, that had you thinking to yourself, "Hey, I could do that" or "I have some of those I could use" or an idea that you just couldn't wait to Pin to one of your boards.  

The  7 1/2 minutes for the segment always goes by way too fast that I can't get in all the information  that I want to share with you.  I always leave going, "Oh, shoot I forgot to say that.So I thought I'd do a little re-cap & share some helpful tid-bits with you. 

1- Graters & glass jars for lanterns.

-The washi tape I got from a great local company called DownTownTape. They have a wide selection to choose from & I got my order lickety-split.  
-If you want to cover your tea light with the tape I would recommend taking a roll into the store with you when you buy so that you can see that they are the right width. It's better to have a clean edge look than have to fold the tape down around the candle. 
 -Use household things for jar fillers to hold up the candles.  Black sunflower seeds for feeding birds work great for Halloween {get at Walmart} or dried black beans & then just change it up with some popcorn kernels, split peas or dried beans for a more autumnal feel.

-Great because they can be used for inside or outside decorating.
*just be careful handling them after candles have been burning because they are very, very HoT!  
2- Finding Unique decorating opportunities 
{well...just look up!} 

 -Look around your home for other fun places to decorate for the Holidays. A great place is light fixtures. I like to follow the rule of 3 when decorating. Use 3 different kinds of banners, swags or garlands all in contrasting colors & textures & just mix them together.  It's more appealing to the eye that way.  
{Really, this is so fun & easy to do!} 

-So easy to change up & decorate for any holiday! 

- I really should do a post one time showing you all different ways I've decorated for events, parties & celebrations using these lights, love them!-

3- Black & White Photos 
-Oh, I can't get enough of these! 
-If you don't have any original old photographs you can search online for some to print out & photo shop or keep your eye open at antique stores & even the D.I.  I have seen old photos there before.  Kind of always makes me sad to see someones family heirlooms for sale.  But if you see them snag them & take them home to be part of your family. 

-So many fun possibilities with this project!

 4- Vintage Typewriter
{sometimes it's fun to just spell it all out!} 
-Dangle a spooky spider off a black & white photo- I'm having so much fun with those!- 
-Enough said, adorable! Do you have one? It sure makes me grateful for laptops because this thing weighs a ton!
-To keep it up through Thanksgiving just ask your family to share at least 7 things they are grateful for & type them all up & display for all to see.  
-I love how it looks set up on the large disk of wood.  Makes it feel really fall & outdoor-sie & perfect for this time of year. 
-Since my typewritter is long been retired I just find a cute typewriter inspired font on my computer & print it out.  If you have one that is still in working order consider yourself lucky.

5- Store front inspired wooden panels 
{make a statement or two!} 

 -I was inspired for this project on our family vacation up to the Oregon Coast this summer. I loved all the weathered wooden signs telling passer buyers what was for sale, if they were open or closed.  So I decided to really make a statement this Fall season to all our passer buyers & trick-or-treaters.
- I used an old 8ft. by 18 inch wooden garage door panel I bought from a friend.  You could use old shutters or just a wide piece of wood.  Cut it to the size that would work for your home. 
-I painted the one side black & left the other side the original wood color. 

-You can stencil, paint or get vinyl to add to the panel.  I choose vinyl & ordered it from Buzz Graphics. I simply emailed them a picture of the panel, gave them the dimensions & they sent back several choices of designs to choose from.

- We {thanks hubby!} hung up the panel by screwing in some hooks into our porch beam & then securing 2 eye hooks onto the panel itself to hang up. 
- The best part is, take it down after Halloween reverse it & stand it up for a Thanksgiving message.  2 uses in one- love it!
 Place some cool gourds & pumpkins around the sign & there you go, all ready for the remainder of the Fall season. 

Ok, there you have it.  A few of the things I forgot to mention on the air.  Hope you liked something that you saw & want to do some decorating of your own. I'd love to hear from you. Leave a comment telling me if #1,#2,#3,#4,or #5 inspired you. 

Thanks- have a wonderful night. 
{oh, by the way it has snowed about 12 inches at my house today & it's still coming down! It's going to be a chilly Halloween this year}



  1. Awesome Info Thanks Melissa. I'm so glad that you are always willing to share your ideas. I Wanted to tell you that my favorite ideas were

    #5 The old garage panel with vinyl words

    #3 I love the wire basket with the clipboards
    Where did you find a wire basket like that?

    ANd trust me. I am always pinning things that you post. Thank you!
    Angela L

  2. The wire basket has been the question of the day- I got that years ago from a catalog. Sorry, I wish it was something I had gotten recently. Thanks for your comment Angela!

  3. I loved all your ideas and seriously that door!!!! You have so much talent. Love it all good job!

  4. I just found your blog (I'm not sure how, maybe pinterest?) Anyway, I love your creations and my favorite on this post was the big sign. I've been wanting to make one for outside, and this is a great idea to make it double sided! I'm going to have to track down a big piece of wood for it. Thanks for the inspiration!

  5. Thanks so much Jeanette! Glad you found my blog & come back soon :)


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