


  A new fresh face to The Hive {yippee} 

Time to get your party on just in time for Halloween.  

Simply adore these charming cupcake toppers- makes me want to throw a Par-tay!! 

Hope Chalkboardblue & I see you at The {Fall} Hive.  
Thurs. Oct. 11 {Opening Night} 5:30-8:00 p.m. 
Fri. Oct 12th 10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
Sat. Oct 13th 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. 
Don't forget to keep "BuZZ-ing" about The Hive for a chance to win $25.00 of spending money at The {Fall} Hive!  All the details to enter {Here} 

Have a wonderful Sunday! 


  1. The Spooky banner is the cutest!!! If you've having a Halloween party - count me in - hee hee - lovin' the toppers!!!

  2. I love those cupcake toppers
    Angela L

  3. hmmm, I wonder who will win the 25 this time around?
    Angela L


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