
A look inside {haunted} Lilac Lane


  Hello Monday & a fresh new start to the week.  This past weekend was fantastic!  Thanks to everyone who turned out to The {Fall}Hive & the amazing vendors that were part of it this time around.  I really appreciate you all. 
Hosting something like that is always thrilling, delightful & exhausting to say the least.  Oh, & thanks to everyone who showed interest in & asked about a Christmas show- I will keep you posted.  
{I'll look at my calendar to see if I can squeeze one in sometime soon- we have vacations & trips coming up so I'll let you know!} 

Since I have been a bit preoccupied with getting The Hive all up & ready I realized I haven't shared some pictures of the inside of Lilac Lane now that it is all spook-ified for Halloween before the month is over
{Is it really the middle of the month already?}
I just wanted to share a few of my favorite spots around our house that's all dressed up for this time of year.  
-I found these shutters a long time ago & the DI.  I've just held onto them waiting to find a purpose for them & I've enjoyed putting them up to frame the mantle for Halloween & the Fall season-  

-These wire candle wraps may just be my most favorite Halloween decor! I bought them years ago up at Swiss Days & they have been a treasure ever since.  Wish I would have bought 20 more sets to share with friends & clients who absolutely love them & always ask me about them- 

-Am loving how our orange leather couch looks all decked out with a variety of Black & White pillows & prints.  Sets the tone for the entire room- 
-A tight shot of my famous stair ledge that I love to decorate.  I fill the whole thing up with just odds & ends of this & that but I love this drawing that my little witch lover, E, drew when she was tiny. So glad I saved this out of the notebook & framed it.  *Notice the flying monkey up in the corner- sweet!- 
-Even the kitchen has to get decked out for the season. I'm a sucker for anything vintage & these tin & wood signs & cookie cutter box are some of my favs! - 

-I started collecting metal lanterns awhile ago.  It started with the little square one & the green one that I found up at Swiss Days one year.  They line our window sill in the kitchen each & every year- 
?Honeybee wants to know- 
{so leave  a comment & tell me} 
What Halloween collections do you have?
-OooOOoOh- Love they way they look every night when we light them up- 

-Just a couple of favorite little hanging things I put up in the blue bathroom.  No place is undecorated ;)- 

-Another little sweet glittery sign- 

Is your house all decorated & ready for spooky little trick & treaters to arrive soon?  I hope so.  I always love decorating our porch the night before Halloween, it's always so fun.  

I'll be back to show you a few more favorites of Halloween that I do in my decorating around here
{inside & out}  
soon so check back. I'll also tell you when & where you can "tune- in" to see some other charming decorating ideas- Excited! 



  1. i love the way that you decorate! These are my very favorite posts. Thank you for sharing and inspiring me.
    You have the most charming and lovely home.
    Angela L

  2. Thanks Angela- you are so sweet! Happy decorating! I always love getting your emails to with pics of what you do with H&H stuff in your home. That always makes me happy to see.

  3. thanks, i will send you over a pic

  4. So SaD i missed your FaLL Hive! :(
    You have my vote for a Christmas Hive!!! :)
    I ditto Angela, I love the way you decorate too! And thanks for letting me take a 'PeeK' inside your home for Halloween, since I didn't get to come up!
    Hope to see you soon,

  5. your house is adorably dressed up for the spookiest time of year!! loved all of your fun decor...even in the bathroom!! THAT'S attention to detail!!! xo

  6. Thanks Jen & Marci- you're so kind. I love decorating for each month/holiday it makes me :)


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