
Well...would you look at that!

  While busy being inspired 
{& I'm not ashamed to say wasting a bit of time } 
on Pinterest lately, I saw a few things that made me swoon! 

Wanted to share just a couple of them with you.

-I always enjoy finding another use for washi tape! How simple is that? It's all in the little details right?- 

Source: via Melissa on Pinterest

-No need to explain why- adorable!-  

-thought the painted design behind the letters was fabulous!-

-Ahhh... someday I'll have an old pick-up truck of my own to haul around pumpkins, bring home our Christmas tree in & just drive around in. 

Source: via Melissa on Pinterest

-One of my favorite holidays & just a super cool design- 

Just a few things that have been inspiring for me the past couple of days.  I love this time of year so I've been "pinning" lots of autumnal things & looking forward to Halloween that is right around the corner. Maybe I'm feeling this way because I'm  busy in the craft room preparing for 
The {Fall} Hive 
Oct. 11-12-13th
surrounded by every shade or orange & lots of blacks. 

While I was over on Pinterest... I discovered something. 
{would you look at that!} 
Over 1,000 followers- that's pretty cool. 
Glad there's people out there who enjoy the same kind of pretty, creative, colorful, charming, yummy things as I do.  
-What have you been busy pinning lately?- 


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