
Where in the world- Wednesday!


  Where in the world did I go to this weekend?  Do you know where this picture was taken?  If so leave a comment, when someone guesses it right I'll share a post about it with you.  
{It's been a favorite place for Miss Mace & I since she was teeny tiny!} 

Hope you play along.  



  1. Bun'n Basket bakery at the rock loft?? That would be my guess from the cute cookies! Yummy!

  2. Oops! Bun Basket n' Bakery! That is my guess...ha!

  3. We love the Bun Basket! I can never resist those cookies. They are so yummy!

  4. what are you WEARING today missy?
    lol its wed!
    and i have no idea where you went but i wish i went with you....YUM!!! lol

  5. Well it's not Shaffer House Bakery in Logan cause there is no picture of the yummiest maples bars in the world!

  6. Christa & Shareen- you're right!! Hahaha {A}nnie, you make me laugh. Wish I could look as cute & fashionable as you do every day of the week!! :)


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