
Tailgating season


  This is the kind of tailgating I've been doing the past couple of Saturdays.  The hubby's new truck has come in quite handy lately. 
{Not just for hauling GiaNT pumpkins my friends, except it will be used for that in a couple of weeks!} 
It's been fun sitting in the parking lot, putting down the tailgate, throwing out a blanket & eating a traditional pepperoni & sausage pizza with Ty & my girls before heading into the BYU football game each Saturday.    

But when I came across this picture on Pinterest the other day it made my heart skip a beat.  Isn't this the most charming picture?  I would love to spend an Fall afternoon this way. Maybe it just reminds me of my childhood & our old red station wagon but I love it. 

One of these days {mark my words} 
I'll have a fixed up old ford to drive around, put the tailgate down & enjoy a picnic in the woods, haul pumpkins in, carry our Christmas tree home in  or maybe just enjoy a pizza before a football game.  
I've always wanted one. 

- I really like this color?  Or maybe a green or red... Hmmm?-
Source: via Suzie on Pinterest

What is something you've always wanted?  Do you have a picture of it somewhere or pinned to a board?  If not you better because that's how you'll make it come true!  
{just a little honeybee word of advice ;) }

Looking forward to a fun-filled weekend starting with this tonight.  Excited to met up with some fabulous bloggers from around the state. So excited!! 

Now I need your HeLP!   
{HUH? you might ask?}
 I miss hearing from you all.  It always makes me smile. So if you have a sec., leave a comment & say hi- it would make my day!
It's so easy to do- you can do it!! ;) 

Have a wonderful weekend- & I'm thinking 
{pondering, wondering & contemplating} 
about doing something fabulous & NEVER done before on my blog so be sure to check back soon.



  1. Melissa sadly I couldn't make it last night! We could have met in real life not just on blogs! May the best team win tonight I am a Ute that married a Cougar fan so things are interesting at my house tongiht :)

  2. Oh, I would love to met you. Yes, the next blogging met up for sure. It was such a fun night.

  3. BLoggers night out sounds like so much fun, to bad I am not a blogger. You do such a great job with yours. It has been fun to watch it grow.

  4. Melissa, You have the best idea EVER. A red truck!!! That would be perfect for tailgating. GO UTES!!!


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}