
Good vibrations!


  Thanks to {C} for taking the time to write me an email this afternoon.  I hopped on to check my email, read it & was inspired to do something about it.  

She wrote me telling me how much she missed the music on my blog play list.  
{it hasn't worked for some time now & I've been quite frustrated}  I decided to turn it off auto a while ago & my girls & I have really missed it ever since.  I know that many of you enjoyed listening to it too.  So after reading her email I thought that I needed to try & fix it one more time & wouldn't you know it-
Abracadabra it works!! 

If you would like to listen to some of my favorite tunes while you are reading the H&H blog, doing the dishes, making dinner, crafting or just surfing the web just click on the cassette tape link on the right hand side & it will take you right to the H&H blog play list. 
{pump up the volume!} 

Music makes me so happy!  This is just what I needed today, thanks {C} you were totally inspired to email me.  
{I really needed it! }
I feel energized & ready to take on the rest of the day.  
* it just goes to show how much I love to hear from all of you- whether you leave comments here or on FB, email me or call. I have the BeST H&H clients & friends- thanks so much!!

Enjoy your day- 



  1. Melissa-
    How interesting!...Just the other day I was thinking how much I miss your playlist!...It just hasn't been the same as I browse & read all your FUN & INSPIRING posts...
    LoVe iT!...Thanks for adding it again! :)

  2. Thanks Jen! I loved turning it on while I was busy doing stuff yesterday too- makes the time go by quickly listening to happy music.


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}