
Today & later


  ToDAY I'm looking forward to doing nothing but catching up on some H&H orders & cleaning my home a bit. No running around, no errands to do or places to go just be HoME!  
{Ahhh.... do you ever have those days when you are just happy to be in one place?} 

Source: behance.net via Melissa on Pinterest
{saw this on Pinterest & loved it! Motto for the day}

Ever since the girls have been back in school I have been busy with something each day- I haven't even been able to sit home, enjoy the peace & quiet & a free day to myself. 
Well ToDAY is that Day.  
{Yippee! I guess that is until 3:30 when it's off to birthday parties, comp soccer practice & voice lessons for the girls}

I'm also looking forward to Thursday night- one of my favorite things to do each Fall.  BYU Football Games!!
{it's that time of year again & I can't wait!} 
I even went to get my hair done last week & my friend, Texie, helped get me ready for the season by putting some blue in my hair.  {Thanks Tex!}  Yep, I'm a true blue fan! 
{Go Cougars!!}

Then bright & early Friday morning- another Fall favorite I look forward to, SWiSS DaYS!  Oh, the fun of walking around fun, inspiring, creative booths, shopping & eating my traditional Ham & Swiss for lunch with friends.  I love it! 
{I enjoy running into so many of you!  It's always fun to chat. If you see me be sure to say hi!}

Honeybee wants to know?- Would you like to see H&H at Swiss Days one day & if so would you come shop at the booth??  
{Just curious- I've had lots of people telling me I should do it. It's got me thinking a bit. One friend told me, maybe it should be on my bucket list of things to do- we'll see.} 

The thought of doing it kind of scares me a bit- it's ALOT of work but a part of me thinks, why not??  

Make it Happen!
{Oh, & by the way H&H's FaceBook page only needs 2 more "likes" to reach a BiG #. Maybe YoU can make that happen- thanks!} 


  1. Can't wait for Thursday either. We have been so antsy to get football season started ever since we ordered our season tickets. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE watching the Cougars! Maybe we will run into you there or at Swiss Days. That is our plan for the weekend also.


  2. Aleshia- sounds good! I'll watch out for you at the "Whiteout" & Swiss Days. Have Fun! P.S. I'm getting ready to order some Peppermint Carmels soon- oh, yum! I just might place a double order ;)


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}