
The GiVEAWAY Goodie Bag!


  Just wanted to show you what is up for grabs for the 
Friday GiVEAWAY this week. 
{nothing too big- good things come in small packages, right?} 
I've enjoyed showing & telling you some of the simple, super easy & quite fantastic party ideas for my daughter's birthday last month. I hope they have inspired you to try something RaNDoM & fun! 

-Yay, for Me!!  Look what I did on Photoshop, baby steps! I didn't even have to call my techie friend for help on this- 
I appreciate those who have left comments this week. I enjoy reading them & it keeps me going with this whole blogging thing.  I have just been thinking {for awhile} that I wanted to give some little incentives for everyone to stop & say, "Hi" while you're here checking out Hollyhocks & Honeybees. Thanks to those who have been brave & left your first comment! 
{Good for you!} 

Can't wait to send this package of RaNDoM fun to some lucky H&H blog commenter!  I'll be back tomorrow to tell you who the recipient will be. Be sure to leave a comment on any post this week for a chance to WiN!



  1. I am loving this idea. I know I have readers out there but sometimes I wish I could get more feedback and have more of a conversation with my readers! I may have to copy this idea if you don't mind!

  2. Thanks Amber, yes you can copy the giveaway idea ;)

  3. Oh Melissa I would love a little goodie bag in Korea. Miss ya



Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}