
a few Swap & party pictures!


  So right after I posted my last post I got a text & a message from my friends {who carry their cameras with them where ever they go} saying that some pictures would soon be on their way of the events I was involved with last week- HooRaY!
{thanks friends for not making me wait too long!} 

 Right this way... for a few quick peeks at the fabulous stuff that I was able to be a part of. 

-The curtains are drawn waiting for 5:00 SHaRP to open up the Swap. Believe me there are a lot of anxious excited Swappers behind these curtains!- 

-See I told you, Ta-Dah!!  Welcome to the Summertime 365 Swap. Let the fun begin!!- 
 Here is just a teaser of what went on at the 365 Swap.  Such a colorful, festive & fun atmosphere!  Hope everyone that came had a wonderful time & went home with a new treasure or 2. 

-Oh, my amazing talented friend Becky- made this bean bag toss & super cute banner!-

-Our vintage inspired drink station- lots of yummy lemonades to choose from in an array of colorful coolers-

LoTS more pics of the Swap to come over on the Cultivate blog SooN!!  I'll link you over when they go up, don't worry. Also a great big thanks to my friend, Rachel for taking all the Swap pictures that evening. 

My super talented friend, Michelle, 
{the brains behind the logos & invites for my surprise party} 
shares a little peek into what actually goes into planning/throwing such a birthday bash over on her blog.  
{WOW, it makes my head spin when I think of all the time & effort that went into it- THANK YOU!!} 
-One of her designs blown up into a cute keepsake I got from the evening. 
Big ticket boards for everyone to sign- 
All the little details & touches that just made it well... just divine!  I loved driving up the street & walking into the little wonderland that was created right across the street from my house.  Everything was just charming & perfect & she was a BiG part of it.  Thank you friend!! 

You can check out her fantastic blog {Here
Seriously... she can do it all! 
-Lots of ice cold Lemon water- my favorite, love!!- 

-Are you serious?  Look how cute this crate is, it was one of the first things I noticed as I drove up. It came with 9 glass bottles. My Schmoopie found them at a local consignment shop- how perfect of a gift is this.  I am over the moon about them!!- 
I feel like I have so much to share with you all- please be patient & stay tuned.  I still haven't re-capped all the fun things that went on for A&E's 10th Birthday party & of coarse lots more to come about the Swap & the Surprise Party!! 
{Still can't believe that happened & it was all for me- I'm one lucky girl!!}   



  1. I just clicked over and saw your fabulous birthday party! What a husband (and girlfriends)! And - what a great swap. Darling, darling! Hope all is well, and Happy Birthday!

  2. Thanks Courtney! Yes, I am a lucky to have such a great hubby & friends. Hope you are doing well too. Thanks for the comment.


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