
What {We} wore & where {We} went Wednesday!!


** Special edition of what I wore Wednesday. It's not every day that I have a personal assistant {fabulous daughter} by my side most of the day so I thought we better take advantage of our time in the BiG city & make a day of it. 
{just warning you now- there are A LoT of pics with this post- too much fun to just narrow it down to one or 2 pictures!} 

First stop- Studio 5 
{you can watch the link to the show by clicking on Studio 5}
 Had to take a quick pic of myself at the mirror right inside the Studio doors- get one last look at yourself before you go on LiVE TV!! 

-Navy top DownEast {awhile ago} chunky bracelet DownEast, Yellow pants, The Gap & open toed heels, Target

I'm totally over the moon in love with this color combo lately- Navy Blue, Mustard Yellow & Touriouse- LoVE!  

With the fabulously talented, co-host of the show, Brooke Walker.  She is always so sweet & kind to me.  
{Well everyone is there is, it's always a pleasure to be on} 

My amazing daughter 
{& personal assistant for the day, Miss Mace}  
It was so nice to have her with me all day. She hauled in stuff from the car for the segment, helped set it up, was my personal photographer & buddy for the day.  
Love spending time with her! 
{Oh, just wait until you see what we did!!} 

2nd Stop- RubySnap cookies- right down the street from KSL.  Have you been there before?  If you haven't you should go.  Yummy cookies & so retro & vintage, I can't stand it!  
{I got a Trudy cookie, Mace went with the Zoey & we brought a     Ricki & a Virginia home to share with sisters & Dad}
-Check out their unique & fun menu, {HERE}-  

3rd Stop {on our whirlwind tour in the city} Emilie Jayne 

{down the most nastalgic tree lined street & even a tire swing hanging near by- I loved it!} 
Right when we walked in this consignment shop on 8th & 9th I was in love- it was like walking into a rainbow.  Everything was color coordinated in solid bright color schemes.

 Oh, Mace had the best time in this store. She found one hat & just had to try it on & of coarse pull a typical teenage face.  
{She does this in about every picture she ever takes!}

- the vintage yellow rose hat, I was dying- so cute!-And... another hat 

Just when you thought it was over.. that's right... another hat. 
-Good thing I had the handy dandy cell phone with me at all times to capture all these pictures- priceless & sooo fun!- 
4th Stop- Abode.  This has been another "bucket list" of mine.

 Yes, I told you about finally making it to Ikea last week well I've always wanted to go to this shop too. I've heard so much about it from Leila Bird that I wanted to check it out for myself.  Once again it was more fun having a free spirit, fun loving teenager who is up for anything there with me.  But... instead of hats in this shop we found....

Glasses  & a bright orange suitcase..... 

and lots of vintage {fashion} dresses from long ago.  Actually I think Mace would look great in this style- she could pull it off. We even saw a dress in there that would be a darling dress for the prom, one day. 
{I'm serious... not joking around.  Maybe we should go get it & hang on to it} 

-She could totally RoCK the 70's look-

5th Stop- LuNCH! {we were starving} SMaSH BuRGER!! 

-SMaSH Fries- Yum!!-
 6th {& final} Stop- Orson Gygi's 
I have wanted to take my Cupcake Wars, Top Chef, Chopped watching daughter here for some time now.  She is an AMaZiNG baker & creative chef.  She is always trying a new recipe or coming up with something fabulous to make in our home. I have no doubt that she will wear an "official" chef's coat of her own one day- you go GiRL!  
-Future Top Chef contestant!!- 

What a fun-filled, fast, furious & fabulous day!! 


-Don't forget to enter the Swap giveaway- details in the post below!


  1. That was such a fun day! I love AboDe! the vintage dresses there are to much fun! I hope someday I will be able to wear on of the official chef coats;) that was such a fun day!! love you mom you are awesome:{)
    {m}iss Mace

  2. So jealous! I wish I could have come. We'll have to set aside a Saturday and go on an adventure.

    You did so good on Studio 5 today! Cute ideas.

  3. I am going to have to try smash burger, we have never been there. Everywhere else though I have been and are some of my fave places!
    What a fun day with your daughter!

  4. Hi! I love your outfit you you mention (or would you mind mentioning) where everything is from? Love love it

  5. Chelsea, Yes, I will post under the picture of where everything is from- thanks for your comment!


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