
Good to know +places to go


  Back with some fun things I've stumbled across & want to share with you.  The first one, thanks to a phone call this morning from my friend, {B} telling me about a deal on some cute Washi Tape. 
{Aren't friends the best who keep you in the loop on things- so thoughtful!} 
-Yippee- more colorful organization to do! Did you see what I made with it yesterday?  Love it! 
Check out Pick your Plum for the deal of they day- WaSHi!! 

Next just one of my FaVoRiTE online stores is having a sale- I've told you about this place before but here it is again.  I just adore the business name so retro- three potato four
{I placed an order & can't wait to get it in the mail} 
-if you want to know what I ordered check out the H&H FaceBook page to view one of the items 
{actually I ordered 2 of them because 2 is better than 1}

I can't believe me- I usually never buy stuff online & I've placed 2 orders within the past 2 days, kind of fun!  Can't wait to go get the mail & see the UPS truck in front of my house next week. 

Last but not least... who knew?  That the great new style of Restoration Hardware & that I'm totally LOVING lately has a name? Plus I think the name is totally cool too.  I fit all the requirements of this style.  Thought this segment was great & informative.  Check it out & see if you're a Juxtaposition person, like me, too. 

That's it for today- see ya! 

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Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}