
For the LoVE.....


  Have I told you that I enjoy making cookies
{okay, maybe a bit too much at times} I probably bake at least one batch of cookies a week- all different kinds of coarse whatever the girls & I are thinking sound good that day.  
I think I get it my love for cookie baking from my Grandma Hall because she always had the tastiest cookies at her house whenever I would stop in for a visit.  
{her cookie jar was always full} 

These Gingersnaps are one of her recipes & quite frankly one of my all-time favorite cookies.  Whenever I bake them it just takes me right back to my childhood, playing with my cousins & being in her home.  

Grandma Hall's GiNgerSnaPs 
1 1/4 C. Shortening 
1 1/2 C. Sugar 
2 Eggs 
3/8 C. Molasses {A little over 1/4 of a Cup} 
  Mix until well combined & then add:
3 C. Flour 
2 tsp. Ground Ginger 
2 1/4 tsp. Baking Soda 
1 1/2 tsp. Cinnamon 
3/4 tsp. Salt 
  Form into little balls & roll into sugar. Place on an ungreased baking sheet & bake at 350 degrees for 8-10 minutes. 
Your kitchen will smell wonderful too I promise! 

If you know me well you know My Philosophy: "Everything looks better on a cake stand." & yes, that even applies to serving up cookies.  

-I'm still in LoVE with my McCoy cookie jar that I bought last year- I've named my little friend, Hector!-

I think one thing I love & have fun with baking up a big batch of cookies is getting to share them with family & friends.  I like walking outside our back door & giving them to neighbors or whatever kids might be playing in our yard at the time. 
{Which can be up to as many as 15 at any given time of day} 

-All packaged up & ready to take to a neighbor as a
Thank-You treat!-
Taking these to a community get together in our park later.  I thought they looked scrumptious all snuggled together in this vintage bread loaf pan I found at a consignment shop.  I love using unique & sometimes unusual things to serve up treats in.  It's all about the little details- 
{Another one of my philosophies!} 

I'm glad I enjoy baking!  
{just wish I didn't enjoy eating all that I bake so much ;) }
Honeybee wants to know?- Do you like to bake too, if so wants your favorite thing to make?  



  1. My Mom loved to bake cookies. She would use a certain tupperware container to store the cookies in. The grandkids always knew where to go for a cookie. After my Mom passed away and we cleaned out the kitchen, I wanted that container for my own house. I have it and it is a special treasure that we use to store our cookies in. (of course, they don't last very long!)

  2. Super cute, as always Melissa!! I love to bake too. My family is a little boring and only want chocolate chip or sugar cookies. But every now and then I make peanut butter (my fave) or snickerdoodles too.

  3. Oh, E I love your post- thanks for sharing! I have a certain pot that I use to make a giant cinnamon roll {another family fav. I'll have to share} & a certain shallow bowl that is ALWAYS used to collect the sprinkles that don't stick to our sugar cookies. Little traditions are fun aren't they. Candice, my Mom always made the best peanut butter cookies too, they are also some of my fav's. I think I have too many! ;)

  4. My favorite to make is Grandma's Butterscotch Cookies (I had Grandma write it out in her handwriting) & Mom's New Jersey cookies (remember when Jake tripled the recipe and we had cookie dough for weeks?).

    Thanks for sharing some of these with V & I. They were yummy!

  5. I love those cookies! I love to bake too! I think one of my favorites is Cookie Pie. Its, fun, simple and brings a smile to everyone's face! :)

  6. Hi Honeybee I have made these cookies today and posted on my blog. thank you for sharing Grandma Hall's cookies. But your picture is so much darker then mine. They taste great but wondering if you used light brown sugar? I am not a pro at taking pictures........

    thanks Andi


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