
Change it up!

-Notice anything different???- 
{if you are a frequent reader you probably have by now} 

  I've decided to change things up a bit on my blog.  I've been thinking about it for awhile now.  I've heard from so many of you who love to listen to my playlist & that some of you just click it on to listen to while your doing things around the house during the day. 
{You're like me I do that too} 

But I've also heard people say 
{through blogging groups that I'm a member of} 
that they don't like having music on a blog 
{at least not that comes on automatically} 
& that they find it annoying... like when you are surfing the web late at night, or your kids are taking a nap, or you jump from blog to blog & can't find which one has the music on to shut it off.  

I LoVE music & that's why I enjoy having a playlist on my blog.  It makes me happy to listen to it.  But I thought it might be time for a little bit of a change so I simply just took it off to come on automatically when you arrive at my blog.  
BUT.... I still have to have the playlist available for you & these girls for moments like this.....  
-Check out those outfits- it's always dress up time around our house!- 
So cute- I love that my girls like to get on H&H's blog just to listen to the tunes,  sing, dance & make up routines to the songs. It makes me happy to see them perform around the house.  It always brings a smile to my face! 

The H&H Playlist is still available for you to listen too- just simply click on the cassette tape picture on the right for the stand alone playlist to pop-up! 

Happy listening! 
{dancing, singing, twist&shouting, Zumba-ing whatever you want!}
P.S. Do you notice anything else different, hmmmm? 


  1. Hi Melissa
    love the cursive!

  2. Awww sad not to hear the tunes, but I love the outfits A& E are wearing! I love the Cursive also, its a fun little twist!

  3. Wa-Hoo! Way to go Michelle, I'm proud of you. Glad to have you on board in the comments department- now I better have a candy GiVEAWAY so you can help Parker's chance to WiN! ;)


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}