
Bucket list- Check!


  With the count down on until School is out for the Summer & my hubby & I are off to explore {for the 1st time}  

I have ALWAYS wanted to go & never have so today is the day.  Can't wait to see what I find.  

Then we're off to lunch at Smash Burger 
{Smash Fries- so good!! Have you tried them yet, de.lish!
Thought we should enjoy one last day date before kids are home & BoRED all summer long ;) 

Then off to grab some supplies for my H&H upcoming show 
June 14th. 
{LoTS of more details & sneak peeks to come soon!} 

Hope you are doing something fun today too!



  1. You have never been to IKEA?? It will be fun for sure. I've never been to smash burgers but have heard good things.

    Have a good weekend,

  2. I know, I know I can't believe it either. It was a lot of fun to go explore & I'm sure I'll be back!


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}