
What I wore Wednesday


  I haven't done one of these kinds of posts in a long time, it feels good to do it again & to have somewhere fun to go & a reason to get all ready for the day. 

Today I'm wearing a long sleeve shirt & sweater coat today because it's a bit chilly outside{drizzling rain & cold} I guess April showers right?  I'm just glad I didn't pay to get my windows washed the other day, I would have been mad about that. 
-Love me a long white shirt & riding boots. Oh, I also have on my Super Bowl ring too, my favorite!- 
I'm also off to the Middle School today to help out with the Apprecitation Station.  This is a chance for all the students at the school to write a thank-you card to a teacher. We did it last year & it was AMAZING to watch as the students all caught the spirit of what we were trying to do. They would write a card & then come right back & say, "Oh, I forgot I have to write another one" or "Is it ok if I write more than one?" Love it! 
  Last year we received about 1,000 cards from the 500 students. The teachers loved recieving their bundle of thanks in the mail a week later.  I'm excited to be a part of it again today & see the excitement & be around such amazing kids.  
-Found these fun thank you cards at Micheals yesterday for only $1.50. Thought they were so cool. I'm taking them with me to have the students write their thoughts & thanks on-
Gratitude & expressing it is one of the most wonderful things.  It really does make you feel better. 
I saw this quote on Pinterest today & it really is true.
I think I've learned the secret to all the amazing people that I want to be more like because they truly do so much for others constantly.

So go out & be happy-  
{I've missed hearing from you lately, don't be afraid to leave a comment- I love reading them.} 



  1. I LOVE your blog! We're getting the rain up here in Cache Valley too. Your post today put some "sunshine" into my day. Thank you!

  2. Oh, thanks Kari! Have a wonderful rest of the day. I {Heart} Cache Valley!

  3. Awesome idea!! Awesome Enrichment idea!! I hate MIchael's dosen't have a true dollar section any more! Boo Hiss!


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}