
A week of THaNKS!


  Oh, what a fun week I have ahead of me to be a part of.  You might know that I have been serving as the PTSO Pres. at my daughter's Middle School for 2 years now  
{almost finished- a little excited & a bit sad} 
& this week is Teacher Appreciation Week & BoY, do we throw a party for those teachers.  It's such a great thing to be a part of!  Maybe it's a bit of me having a teaching background & knows what all goes into teaching that makes me really want to give a humongous SHouT-ouT to them for what they do each & every day.  
Luckily, I have one of my besties, Erika, 
{as my partner in crime}
 in charge of this week who believes the same as I do & the rest of my amazing PTSO board.  It's so fun to just totally shower the whole administration, staff & faculty with love & praise the whole week long. 
So I thought it would be fun to share some of the delightful things that will be going on through out the week. 

Here is a quick peek inside the Teacher's Lounge today... 
Banners hanging in the windows, balloons, chalkboards & frame marquees galore fill up the middle of the table. 
{My favorite thing is the Frame Marquee... that saying makes me giggle! It was fun hearing the teachers chuckle too} 

HeLLO.... a soda fountain are you kidding me?!  
They are were loving it at their lunch break
{notice the tassel banner...LoVE!}

Yummy Cookies of all varieties around the table for the teachers to munch on during the day.  
{All displayed on levels of coarse.... Entertaining 101!
Fun using old dictionaries & cake stands of all shapes & styles to stack stuff up on} 
-Nothing like a little positive {& a choc. chip cookie} to get you through the day!- 

Then we went out & decked the hallways with big banners & put up this fantastic poster in the commons area.  I'm sure we can all think of a teacher that really had an impact & made a difference in our lives.  

That's not all..... this afternoon all the teachers are invited {along with their families} to a movie theatre to watch the 
Big Miracle & enjoy a FRee bag of PoPcorn & a drink. Yep- we rented out the whole movie theatre for them to enjoy. 
So Fun! Can't wait to go down & help serve them their snacks & enjoy the movie with my 3 girls too.  

Love this week & love the feeling of whenever you feel gratitude overflowing- it's an amazing thing to feel & be a part of.  Who can you THaNK today? 
{see you tomorrow to show you more!}  


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