
Domestic Diva Day

This is an H&H frame I took & displayed in the Teachers Lounge last week but I'm thinking it's going to be 
my motto for the day!! 

I think it can even apply to small everyday things as well.... so today I'm excited to:

-clean out the fridge {1/2 way done}
- washing & folding loads of laundry {started}
-going grocery shopping
-cleaning out the utensil drawer 
- putting away all the stuff that's been accumulating at the top of the stairs that needs to be put away in storage

It's all how you look at it right? I'm excited to get to stay home today {for the most part} & get some things accomplished around here. Hoping you have a productive day too.  


-P.S. What's on your list today?- 


  1. I have to do my laundry tonight because I have NO clean clothes left. I wished I had three helpers like you do who could help me out. :)

  2. I've been doing bathrooms, laundry and trying to get my office area put back together from putting in new flooring. Not even close to done with that.

  3. I got everything done on my list ahhh.... it's a nice feeling. Hope you got everything done too that you wanted to Candice & Becca. Thanks for the comments.


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}