
What's in store for today


  Good Morning everyone!  Love to see blue skies & sunshine outside my windows today- let the day begin! 

Have you been to Primrose & Pearl yet at the Rock Loft?  If not go today {it's such a beautiful day} plus I'm going up to re-stock some H&H stuff so maybe I'll run into you up there.  I'm also going to do a little shopping of my own. 
{There is so much darling stuff for sale}  
Call up your girlfriends, load up your car & head on over there for some shopping & lunch today. 

This is a sampling of what I'll be taking up with me today. 
These frames are the perfect way to add a splash of color into your home decor. Each is unique & charming & would be the perfect place to display a cherished photo. 
-Frames with fun patterned prints perfect for the Springtime- 

LoViNG this color combo.  This flower pattern is fabulous- so many fun colors all jumbled together! 

Not to mention these colors too.  I'm so into grey, blues & reds right now. Something about the combo makes me happy.

Have a great day & maybe I'll see you up at the Loft today.



  1. These are DARLING!! Love them and the colors are fantastic I agree :)

  2. Thanks Lindsay! I'm going to have to make some of these to have at my house- I just love the colors! So if they sell, Yippee, if not, Yippee, less for me to have to
    make ;)

  3. I purchased 2 frames today at the rock loft and I love them!! So cute! I came to check out your blog from your business card. Great product.

  4. Thanks Devon! I hope you like your frames & thanks for stopping by the blog, come back again :) Which ones did you get?


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