
A Glorious Weekend


  Looking forward to relaxing with my family, making a BiG cinnamon petal roll {& eating it right out of the oven} spending time at home & watching this. 

 I love the feeling I get after watching Conference, totally re-charged, ready to re-focus & always feeling so blessed.  I always walk away from watching wanting to try a little harder to do the things that would make me a better person so that I can show more love & kindness more.  So excited to watch, listen, take notes in my journal & hang out in my 
jammies all Sunday morning. 

-Goodbye March 2012, you have been a fabulous month- 
I'm off to pick up what's left of H&H from Primrose & Pearl, what a great show!  I'll be back Monday to announce the winner of the Flourish frame GiVEAWAY!
{Psst..... I already know who won but I'm going 
to keep you all guessing for a bit}
-Thanks to all who entered, that was fun-  


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