


  There still is some candy left so it must mean that The Hive is still BuZzing, for a few more hours anyway today from 10-1. 
{PLeaSE come get some so I won't be left with a bunch & have to eat it all myself! ;)} 

-The Lemon BB Shortbread & CC caramels are SOLD OUT so I had to break out the Peppermint Shortbread- they are are just as divine!  If you like peppermint you'll LoVE these!- 

All the vendors have re-stocked & brought lots of new things to come & see.  So much great stuff all under one roof- Yippee! This fun frame marquee says it all. 

Oh, & while you're here don't forget to pick up a little bag of wheat seeds to grow your own just in time for Easter.  It's a great way to welcome Spring into your home.  

Ok, hope to see you today from 10:00 -1:00.  Thanks to everyone who has come to The Hive & then come back again for a second look & ALL of those who came for the 1st time ever!  It has been a great couple of days- thanks! 

Have a fabulous weekend- 

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