
After the Studio


  Ahh.. I'm home again from being downtown for a bit this morning to do a Springtime Decor Segment on Studio 5.  I always enjoy the energy of the opportunity of being on LiVE TV.  
{Even though my mind always goes blank when there is 3 seconds before the segment starts}
-A look behind the scenes- 

-{M}e with sweet producer Stephanie before the show- 
I felt good about the segment today & that I remembered most of what I wanted to tell you. Sometimes it just goes by way too fast to be able to fit everything in that I want to say.  It was great getting to do the segment with Brooke today 
{because we chatted some BYU Basketball before we started taping}
& talking about something that is so fun for me- decorating & mixing different textures & styles all together.   

Thanks to my hubby, Ty, for being my assistant today helping haul stuff in & out of the Studio, taking pictures & keeping me company  for the day.  I treated him to lunch today on the way home from SLC & guess what...picked up a new bottle for my collection-HooRaY!

A couple of things I forgot to tell you today on the show is..

1- Have you noticed that more & more restaurants are offering bottled beverages to have with your meal?  The great thing about it is you can drink it all up with lunch & then take the bottle with you. A great way to add {or start} to your bottle collection.  

-GiDDy- Up! A great new bottle with Turquoise labeling- FuN! How cute is that label? - 

2- If you liked the dipped paint idea I showed today but don't have quarts & gallons of paint lying around 
{& don't want to go buy a bunch to get a wide variety of shades}  
Call up your neighbors, family or friends to see if you can raid their paint stash. That's what I did.  Thanks to my neighbors Nicole & Rachel for helping me out- thanks friends! 

-Here's a link for all you out of state-rs who want to watch what I talked about on today's show- 

Ok, I think that's all for now.  Thanks for watching & looking at the H&H blog.  I hope you will keep coming back now & then.  I'm off to prepare for an upcoming show at the Rock Loft in Farmington next week- it should be fabulous.  If you live close by come & check it all out. I'll post more details later. 



  1. How cute! Never been so excited to clean out my fridge :)

    Let us know when you are going to be at the Rock Loft - I love that place!

  2. Haha, thanks Natalie! I thought that comment was just really relatable to all us Moms out there. A reason to enjoy cleaning! ;)

  3. You did wonderful! So proud to have a cute sister like you. Love the new bottle. I want to get some of my left over jars to paint!

  4. You did a fabulous job. I love the dipped jars and now that's on my list to do next week. Hey, I love your nail polish. What color is it? haha!

  5. love how you decorate so fun. So where did you find that cute cowboy bottle??

  6. love how you decorate so fun. So where did you find that cute cowboy bottle??

  7. Really cute stuff!! I love the dipped bottles!

  8. Oh Meliss, you did such a good job. You looked fantastic and all your ideas are to die for. Another segment at Studio 5, nicely done!

    I also want to know where you found that cute soda jar.

  9. Melissa, you are amazing and so creative!! What a great segment. You didnt even look nervous at all. I say it all the time, but I wish I lived close and could come to your hive! I guess I'll just have to continue to be inspired by you from afar! :)

  10. Melissa! You did a fantastic Job on Studio 5! Just barely had the chance to watch your cute segment. My husband is going to "LOVE" now that I have to collect yet another fun thing ... bottles! WHO KNEW! LOVE the ideas! thanks for your inspiration! You're fab on camera and in person.


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}