
Trying {something different} Tuesday

  Today I'm feeling a change..... 
in what I wear, make-up & even doing my hair!
{I have been in the pony tail wearing mode lately way too much!} 

So thanks to having a very fashionable teenager around my house I decided to try a new hairstyle today to go to my PTSO meeting. I saw Miss Mace playing around with this hair do last night & thought I would give it a go. 
-All I did was put a headband around my head & then just simply grabbed pieces of my hair & tucked them up & over the headband & just kept doing that all the way around- 
-A view from the back, a little bit more sophisticated than the pony tail & just as {if not more} easy to do too!- 
Something new & different in the picture too is I'm wearing a striped shirt!  {What?!}  Those who know we well know that I usually just wear plain colored things.
{I'm not much into patterns & such} I found this green/white striped shirt at Macy's over the Holidays & fell in love with it.  So far I've liked it- it kind of feels good to try something new & different every once in awhile {a bit scary sometimes too} I've also trying to wear lip stick a little more than just grabbing my lip gloss all the time.  
-Sorry, for the blurry pic but something else different today is my Nikon is a bit under the weather :( so I had to use the cell phone.  Have to blog when you're inspired to say something, right?-
?Honeybee wants to know- Are you trying something different lately- If so what? 

Here's too stepping out of the box a bit today-



  1. Oooo Fun new things to try. You look cute in stripes! I am doing at least 1 to 2 things from Pinterest a month (more if I can) So it can range from fashion to cooking to decor. It's fun to try something NEW! :)


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