
Packed & ready to go


  So excited to be headed off to the Post Office today to drop these in the mail & on their way to arrive at some one's doorstep soon 
{H&H's 1st time ever sending all the way to California} 
& to deliver some custom made stripe-y's too! 

Thanks to those who has ordered frames so far. 
{don't worry there is still time you can get one for you too. 
Go HERE to place an order!} 
This is something new for me to try {selling on my blog} & it's interesting to see the response.  I am a bit sad that I'm not hosting a H&H show around Valentine's this year 
{you know me I love having a reason to hang up a garland or 2}  
I just didn't know if I could do the online sales & host a show since I've never tried both at the same time before.  
It's always good to learn new lessons. 
{FYI- SPRiNGTiME Hive coming in March- yippee!} 

-I'm in LoVE with the navy &white striped 8x10 with the red frame.  Makes me wish Summertime was here & fireworks flying in the night sky.- 

-Just a quick thank you to go along with it- 
Happy running errand day! 


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Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}