
It's a wrap..... {The weekend before Christmas}

I'm back! 
{Sorry, for the last post but I was not a happy camper! So frustrating!!*@!*}
So here is the post that was suppose to go out yesterday.

WHeW!  What a fun party filled, wonderful dinners, time in the BiG city & a night at the Utah symphony weekend. 
Looking back our family was able to be a part of some wonderful festive parties & celebrations that only come around this time of year.   Although it makes for a busy couple of days I wouldn't have it any other way. 

It started off with Miss Mace & I hosting a Soiree at our home. Soiree is French meaning-  n. an evening party or gathering of friends.
It's always lovely to have family & friends from near & far share an evening of Holiday fun with us. 

Miss Mace & a friend of hers made all the cupcakes for the evening.  Here are her famous Mint Choc. Chip cupcakes- they are as yummy as the look!  Delicious mint frosting, choc. chips baked right in- not to mention the mint chocolate drizzle on top.  Great job Mace & Mal! 
 These c-cakes were a big hit too! Spice cake with a cream cheese eggnog frosting- topped off with just about the cutest little cupcake topper ever!  A tiny bottle brush tree placed in a bottle cap & set on top- Delightful! 

To keep with the French theme we served Parisian Hot Cocoa {this stuff is the ReaL deal!}  So easy to make & so delicious to sip on a cold winter evening.  The Hot Cocoa station all set up & ready to serve- it was a hit! 

-French Hot Cocoa- 
{By the way.. this would be a perfect thing to make & give to neighbors as a sweet gift this year }

6 Squares of Unsweetened Chocolate 
1 C. Water 
2 2/3 C. Sugar 
1/4 tsp. Salt 
2 C. Whipping Cream 
1 tsp. Vanilla 
1 tsp. Almond Extract 

Bring water, sugar & salt to a boil.  Boil for exactly 5 minutes & let cool. Using a double boiler melt chocolate until smooth.  When chocolate is melted & sugar mixture is cool combine until smooth. Whip the 2 cups of cream & mix in the vanilla & almond extract.  Fold the whipped cream into the chocolate mixture.  
At this point you can enjoy the hot cocoa by putting 1-2 heaping spoonfuls into a steamed mug of milk {has to be used in milk not water} or you can pour into a plastic container, place in the freezer & store for up to 3 months. 
{the whole wintertime long- perfect!}

{CAUTION- this is so tasty it can also be used as ice cream or just a spoonful of chocolate goodness when you need a chocolate fix. So delicious but dangerous ;)! }


-Just had to show off the fun thoughtful gift I recieved from my friend, T.  She brought me a gift to the Soiree & I set it aside & didn't open it until after the party- Boy, I wish I could have.  I would have poured my French Hot Cocoa into this great personal thermos that she found.  So perfect for the evening! - 
Another favorite Quigley Holiday Tradition is to spend some time at the Grand America Hotel in Salt Lake.   They always decorate their windows with some kind of treasure hunt or story with a treat at the end.  If you haven't done this yet- you must!  It is such a treat our kids love spending time there & taking in all the sights, sounds & smells of the Holidays. 

After visiting the Grand we ate at PF Changs.  The girls weren't too sure about waiting the hour & a 1/2 but once they got their lettuce wraps & drinks they were happy that we waited it out.  
{I guess we should eat out more often so they learn patience instead of just Wendy's or Arby's}
Mace & Ty used their chopsticks to eat their entire meal- way to go guys! 
- Audji & I.  I just had to show off my new sparkly top that I got for the Holidays to wear to parties & the symphony

Then it was off to the Utah Symphony for us Quigley Girls. 
{Ty opted to stay out & walk around Temple Sq. for a bit since we only had 4 tickets- what a guy!} 
Oh, my goodness what a show!  It's always a treat to go to the Symphony around Christmas time & hear the wonderful music but this show included the Cirque De La Symphonie. 
The performers were AMAZING!  I loved seating with my girls, listening to the beautiful music & watching in a amazement at the performers & what they could do.  
-A bit of a dark photo of the girls inside Abravanal Hall. The famous blown glass sculpture- 
If you have never been to the Symphony for their Christmas concert you must.  I've had the pleasure of going to many thanks to Ty's sweet Grandma GG giving us tickets & taking family members as a Christmas gift. I've always looked forward to going & I'm sure she would be happy to know that my 3 girls went with her tickets this year & thoroughly enjoyed it.  
{We all thought of her during the performance & miss her terribly}
My absolute FAVORITE Christmas song the Symphony plays each year is Sleigh Ride. 
{Oh, I wish I could just be the guy in the percussion section who claps the wood pieces together to make the whip sound- makes me so happy & brings me so much JoY to hear that song!} 

Hope you had a wonderful weekend & are looking forward to the magical weekend ahead. 

?Honeybee wants to know- what do you like to do in the big city {either SLC or wherever you live} to celebrate the Christmas season?


  1. South Girl in the WestDecember 20, 2011 at 4:05 PM

    Well, at Christmas time we visit Temple Square of course. Our fave restaurant downtown is Biagi's. I LOVE their mushroom raviloi! I also love hitting all my favorite thrift shops. emily jane's is my fave!!

  2. Seriously Macey, way to rock the cup cakes! Loved the tree topers.

  3. I love getting together with my good friends of 26 years for our annual Christmas dinner. I have such wonderful memories from years past with your family and all the others. We had a fun time this year as well.


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