
Special Delivery!!


Look what was delivered to our home this morning- bright beautiful Poinsettia plants 
{20 to be exact} 
Lots more colorful things to brighten up our home for the Holidays, it makes me so happy!

This is turning into a tradition around our house thanks to my husband & his connection to the "plant lady" at his office building.  For the last couple of years he has ordered a bunch of these festive flowers to decorate our home with & give away to friends & family during the month of December.  They sure do brighten up a space!  I used to think that my Grandma Hall was the only person I knew that could keep a poinsettia plant alive into April or May but Ty has one still growing in his office at the church from last year- 
Way to go babe! 

Then... look what came to my door yesterday as a sweet gift from a fabulous friend.  
{I just about died when I saw the packaging- I almost didn't want to open & see what was inside- it was so pretty!} 

-An old sewing pattern & a turquoise velvet ribbon- LoVE!

I love having a friend who knows that I love & appreciate a pretty package.  It was so fun to receive, the package itself was a treat!  I opened it very carefully & saved the bow- it's up in my craft room now. 

-Here's to pretty packages & fun deliveries- 
{hope you have received some lately!} 


1 comment:

  1. Poinsettias are so festive!! I love that packaging too. I would be thrilled to get a gift like that! How fun!!!


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