
Join me- "BuZz" & Gratitude {Day 1}

  Good Day everyone!  Today I'm KiCKiNg off 2 exciting things & I'm hoping that you will want to play along. 
The first thing is
The "BuZz" about The Hive 
& WiN giveaway!!  
You may know that I'm hosting The Hive {Holiday style} in a week {it's a SweeT little Boutique} that I do a few times a year where I not only sell H&H creations but I invite a few talented & creative friends to come sell their goods too. 
{I'll be back later to introduce them to you} 

I want to give you a chance to WiN a $25.00 gift certificate to spend at The {Holiday} Hive Who doesn't like some free $$$, right?!? It's super easy to enter this GiVEAWAY  & there are lots of ways to enter just do one 
{or better yet- all of the following} 
for more chances to WiN:

1- become a {NeW} follower to my blog 
{**be sure to leave a comment telling me so} 
2- email your friends, Facebook about it, share The Hive button on your blogs & tell me so 
3- RSVP to The Hive on FaceBook-
{just click on the word Facebook to be linked to the page} 
4- leave a comment & share your blog with me so I can check it out {I like having new places to go} 
5- BONUS {this post only since they kind of go together} Leave me a comment telling me what you are grateful for TODAY!

It's that simple.  You have until next Tuesday night at Midnight to enter. I'll draw out the LuCKY winner on Wends. November 9th so be sure to check back. 
Good Luck! 

The next exciting thing is :
I'm starting my 30 days of developing an
Attitude of Gratitude 

Each day I'm going to share 3 things that I'm grateful for. I would love for you to follow along & share any thoughts or things you are grateful for with me during the next 30 days.  Gratitude is something that I feel very passionate about & something that has shaped my life in many different ways.  I enjoy having a feeling of gratitude in my life because I KNOW it affects me everyday.
 I heard a lesson years ago where the teacher said we need to learn to develop an Attitude of Gratitude in our daily lives & that has always stuck with me.  I've had several Gratitude journals where I've recorded {for a period of time} 3-5 things daily that I was grateful for- sometimes it was little everyday things like.. Laughter, Oreo cookies, a phone call from a friend, sounds
{these are just a few examples from a past journal of mine} 
I enjoy getting the chance to look back on those journals to 
read, reflect & remember those things. 

So get out a piece of paper, a fresh new notebook or your blog or FB page & write down at least 1 thing that you are grateful for each day & see if it doesn't change your outlook or life in the next 30 days or even just that one day- 
I'm pretty sure it will
So here I go, let the journey begin. 

Day {1
-A new Day {I love turning over the calendar to a new month & fresh start} 
- Our Home {since it is snowing outside I'm grateful for shelter from the cold} 
-Last Night {walking around my neighborhood with my family, seeing friends, neighbors & enjoying the wonderful Fall weather.Thank you Mother Nature for holding off the rain & snow for a couple of hours} 

-My RoCK STaR, Mad Hatter & MuMMy thank you too!-

I hope to hear from you all sometime during the next 30 days. I would love to be inspired by you & your comments & see what you are grateful for each & everyday. 
Enjoy the process of developing your Attitude!



Gayle said...

I'm a follower and I hope I'll be able to make it to this boutique - sounds like so much fun!

Gayle said...

You can find my blog at www.themiddlesister.blogspot.com

Gayle said...

I'm thankful to FINALLY be a grandma - our little grandson just turned one and he's the best thing EVER!

Cory and Kylee said...

I love coming to your boutiques. I cant wait to see what you have made for the holidays!

lesa said...

I'm already a follower. I'm grateful for two teenage boys today!


Cory and Kylee said...

I am greatful for my husband and the hard work he puts in so we can have the things we have.

Anonymous said...

I am a follower of your blog and would love to come to your boutique. I hope I win!

Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson said...

Hi Melissa,
I am a follower. Have been since your last boutique.

Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson said...

I am posting your give away button on my side bar.

Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson said...

Cute, cute costumes! My blog is "Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson". You are too young to remeber, but there was a sweet Swedish lady named Mrs. Olson that use to do 'Folgers' commercials. Even though I don't drink coffee, I loved Mrs. Olson. She is the inspiration for my blog title.

Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson said...

Thanks for giving us the chance to win. Today I am meeting (for the first time) one of my fellow UT blogging friends. We have only been friends for a short while. So today, I am thankful for my blog and the opportunity to make new friends!

Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson said...

Forgot to tell you, great minds think alike. lol! I too thought I would share things that I am thankful for this month. Will be doing my post later. Also, giving away an apron on my blog. Check it out if interested.

Tash said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I'm thankful for finally finding a new hairdresser.
LaRae Chapman

Texie B said...

I am already a follower! I do not have facebook so here's my only chance!!!
I am grateful today for living here in Utah! I love all the different season and I love being so close to all my family!!
Excited for the holiday season coming up!! I love this time of year!!
I just opened a twitter account so maybe I'll tweet about the Hive!!

Danielle said...

I am grateful for healthy happy children. They may be loud and crazy, but to me that is a good sign!

Danielle said...

I am now an official follower!

Danielle said...

RSVP'd on FB

Danielle said...


just to warn you it hasn't been updated in a while and the stuff isn't that great...oh well, it is an entry

Salty Incisor said...

Happy and full of gratitude for the first snow of the year and another hive boutique.

Brenda said...

I am a follower on facebook and have been reading your blog for a few months now. I also came to your swap 365. I am grateful for forever families.

Jan said...

I don't have a blog and I don't have facebook, but I enjoy reading your blog. I am thankful for my health....so many I know are experiencing health difficulties. I feel so blessed.

Honeybee said...

Thanks everyone! I enjoyed seeing what you are all grateful for Day {1} & thanks for "BuZZ"ing :)

Anonymous said...

I am a new follower!

Anonymous said...

1) I am greatful for the gospel in my life and of course my new calling.

2) For my wonderful awesome husband

3) my children and more importantly my grandchildren

Anonymous said...

RSVP'd on FB

Unknown said...

I am grateful that my little Madi slept from 8 until 5 this morning! I very much needed some sleep after yesterday. I think you already check my blog but here it is just in case daveandjennymcconnel@blogspot.com

In a nutshell said...

I am grateful for doctors that actually help my kids feel better, McDonalds one dollar diet cokes, any size! and family close by :) Looking forward to the Hive!

Heather at Happy Chippy Junk said...

I am greatful for a warm bed on a cool night!!

lisa s said...

I am grateful for my daughter and how kind she is to others.