
Day {4} - The Hive guest & play list


  Day 4 of the Attitude of Gratitude challenge I've committed to do & I'm just wondering is there any one else out there that is doing it along with me or at least saying, writing or thinking 1 thing they are grateful for each day?  I hope so.  If you are I'd LoVE to hear about it.  

Today I'm grateful for:
1- My Business {for the opportunity it has given me in my life to met so many wonderful people, spend time doing something I enjoy & for the new doors of amazing possibilities it has opened for me}
2- Music {if you know me well you know that I love music! Listening to great music really inspires me!  I'm not a big Christmas music player before Thanksgiving but in order to get in the mood of creating Christmas things to sell at The Hive I've had to break out some Christmas CD's.}  
I'm thrilled to announce that these 2 will be playing at The Hive next week. I wish in person but their CD's playing in the background will just have to do! {wink.. wink}

I ran right out & bought this yesterday once I saw the youtube clip.  LoVE the sounds of Micheal Buble's music. It reminds me listening to old jazz & big band records with my Dad & Grandpa Hall when I was little.  This CD is fantastic! 

Hello... just the charming cover alone is an inspiration & the music matches it perfectly.  My girls & I love to listen to Mindy's CD's & sing along.  Such a unique quality & sound to her beautiful voice & music.  
{P.s. I really want to find me a horn & marching band hat! ;)} 

3- Orange juice - {I found some little juice glasses at the DI a while ago & they are the perfect size to drink juice in the morning not too much! Great way to start the day} 

- Now for news about what will be at The Holiday Hive- 

*Holiday inspired frames, decor & much more from Hollyhocks & Honeybees 
*Fantastic throw pillows to spruce up any space & fabric by the yard from Modern Thread 
*Vintage inspired hair accessories, fabulous jewelry & charming decor by Leila Birds Nest 
*Wooden Cake stands in a variety of styles by Becky 
not to mention lots of sweets & treats to prepare to stock the stockings! 
{be back with peeks at the goods later!}

Hope you are planning to come.  Be sure to leave a comment, RSVP on FaceBook, tell your family & friends on blogs or in emails to create a "BuZz" & WiN! 
{all the rules are on the posts below- good luck!}

Time to turn on the CD player & get to work!

1 comment:

  1. I've been doing the daily grateful stuff but I've just been wiring it in my journal. We also have a little poster in our kitchen area that our family writes grateful's on every day. I love this time of year!


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