
Day {12} - All things FooD!

  Happy {rainy, snowy} Saturday everyone!
I've decided today is a good day to stay indoors, clean, tidy up a bit & blog a few things I'm grateful for. 

1- Family Dinners {I love eating dinner together as a family each night & especially when we get to go out & celebrate, which we have done 2 times this week-YiPPee! Last night I took out the family as a thank-you for putting up with me & hosting The Hive in our home}
-We went to Training Table & I ordered my usual #25 & we of coarse had to get cheese fries too. Maybe I should try something different but I just love this. If you go to Tr. Table what # do you like to get?

2- Whole-wheat pancakes {I usually make these every weekend for our family- we love them & it's a great way to start the day}
3- Photos {I'm grateful to have such great pictures of the Gourmet Night I hosted with my friend, Nicole, a couple of weeks ago.  Don't worry- you can get all the yummy recipes on our blog so you can make them all for yourself}

-Our Yummy Menu. The theme for the night was Black & White decor- since it was around Halloween-time. 

-Nicole & I ready to host the dinner. Nicole made everyone a darling little pin to wear, all black & white of coarse, with their own initial on it.  She is terrific! - 

 Hanging silverware from the chandelier set the tone for the night.  I drilled some holes into the utensils & then threaded  fishing line to hang them by& then yards of great black trim finished it off.  LoVED this- I still have the silverware dangling above my table because I thought it would be great for Thanksgiving. 
 The table all set-up ready to go! 
 -This Veggie Pot Pie is De. lic.ious! Such a great thing to make for dinner on a night like this when it is cold & snowing outside. It will warm you up for sure! It's loaded with butternut squash, leeks, onions, potatoes just to name a few ingredients- 
 I'm the type of person that loves almost about anything with the word Lemon in the title.  It's one of my favorite tastes & smells.  These Lemon-Poppy seed scones are scrumptious! 
In fact- those might just make a great Sunday snack  for tomorrow. 
-The Mountain Gourmet Club {all of us were able to make it-HooRaY!} Can't wait for the next time we all get together to eat something fabulous. Thanks to Courtney {the first one on the left} for all the amazing photographs.  She is our official Pho-tog & blogger for the group.  
-Go to the side bar & click on the Delish My Dish button for many more pictures & all the recipes.  If you try a recipe be sure to leave a comment on our blog we would love to hear from you.  -Enjoy! 
Hope you are enjoying/making or tasting something wonderful today! 



  1. LOVE your gourmet dinner idea - I need you to come do my table for me ( i host a big dinner in Dec) - Absolutely GORGEOUS!!! & great way to make all those recipes I "pin" ;)

  2. Glad you saw something you liked to "pin". Yes, please try the recipes & tell me what you think. The Pot PIe is unbelieveably yummy & the perfect thing for this time of year.

  3. Oh my goodness Melissa...everything looks even better than you described! You & Nicole really made everything perfect :) Can't wait to try the chicken pot pie.

  4. Thanks Friend! It was a fun night.


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