
What I wore & went Wednesday

 Today I set my alarm for 5:40 a.m. to get up & go to Zumba but that didn't happen.  
{I was just to warm & snuggly in bed to get up so.... I slept in}  Then the guilt crept in that I didn't get up to work out. So instead I got to go on a walk with my Schmoopie this morning {once the kids were off to school} around the beautiful area that I get to live in & see each & every day out of my windows.  I love the Fall, the crisp air, the bright berries on the bushes & trees. It was a good way to start the day!  

I came home from the walk got dressed & ready for the day
{this is what I wore- something that has been in my closet for months!}  

and went to a wonderful scripture study class that is held up by where I live. 
{I 'm truly blessed to live in a beautiful area & live among beautiful people} 

We had a wonderful discussion today & I wanted to share something that has meant alot to me in my life ever since I heard it 3 years ago.  It was an amazing talk given by an inspired man.  It has touched my life greatly & I read & ponder on it often.  I {like many of you out there} LoVE to create things & try to make something unique & beautiful each day.  This talk spoke to my soul on so many levels & I wanted to share it with you. 
{Be sure to pause my playlist first}  

Go {Here} to read the entire beautiful inspiring message. 
I hope you enjoy it & find something in it that makes you look at what you do each & every day a little differently than you might have before.  One of my favorite quotes from that talk {and believe me I have many} 
is... "See how many smiles you can create"
Something as small & simple as a smile is a creative thing! :)  

Have a wonderful {Creative} Day!!


  1. Love, love, LOVE that message from Elder U. (Can't spell it....ha!)
    Also, being away from our home & community has made me realize even more how blessed we are to live in such a beautiful place. I miss it so much! Take another walk for me, would ya? (Oh, and do a little Zumba, too :)

  2. Thanks Mandy- miss you guys too! I will take a walk @ the lake for you & I always think of each time we do the "Mandy" move when Triscia is teaching Zumba. Have a great night friend :)

  3. I still remember that talk well and think of it often.

    Cute outfit!


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