
Last night, the next thing & a GiVEAWAY!


  What a Fa.B.U.LOUS night last night- it was The365 Swap.
{This gets bigger & better every time- it's so fun!} 
If you haven't come before you ReaLLy need to plan to purchase a ticket to come to our next one that will be next year sometime.  

-I hauled our vintage typewriter down to The Swap to welcome everyone to the Name tag Station- so cute!-

-The name tags I created this year, each Cultivate girl makes name tags to bring so that they are each unique,  I made mine out of corrugated cardboard, old poker chips, a bottle cap & a paint chip. Easy!! 

Anyway such a creative, inspirational place to be last night. The "famous" chalkboard was used in a different way this time around, lots of bright orange pumpkins galore lying around, hay bales wrapped with fabric, quilts & burlap to sit on, homemade root beer brewing away to quench your thirst & a wide array of delectable sweets to choose from & not to mention the AMAZING collection of goods to Swap.  
{It was great this year- all the Swapp-ettes all brought some great treasures to Swap} 
Here is what I walked away with last night- 

-Don't know what I'll store in the metal file box yet, love the red clock & I think the springs are going to make great candle holders. Thanks whoever brought these!-
I'll post more pictures soon about the Swap so check back later. 

Ok... now for the next BiG thing on my calender-
{hopefully on yours too- wink, wink} 
Hollyhocks & Honeybees 
Fall Show 2011 
Thursday the 29th from 6-8 p.m.
Friday the 30th from 10 a.m.- NooN
{My home- 4011 Lilac Lane in Mt. Green} 

Since I adore the Fall season so much & hosting an H&H show to celebrate the Fall holidays coming up I've decided to have a GiVEAWAY. 
I'm giving a $20.00 gift certificate to Taggart's Grill.
{Taggart's is a great restaurant up the Canyon just past Morgan- 14 miles from my house} 

 I want you to go enjoy a piece of their delicious Carrot Cake {I'm always talking about} while you are up this way already. 
The artichoke chicken soup & pita bread is a must try too- so come hungry! 

--So all you have to do to enter is leave a comment on my blog ANYTIME until Tuesday {the 27th} night at MidNiGHT. 
**The more comments you leave the BeTTeR- you'll get a entry everytime you leave a comment. 
{Trust me - the Carrot Cake is worth it!!} 
-GooD LuCK to you all- 

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend- I'm off to take my kids down to the McQuigley pumpkin patch to have a GiaNT pumpkin picking party.  Good Luck to my husband Ty & neighbor Matt as they go to the Utah Giant Pumpkin Growers way-off tomorrow at Thanksgiving Point.  
-Grow BiG or go Home!!-



  1. Yes I'm the first to leave a comment. Love the names tags you did for the 360 Swap. Make sure to post pictrues of the pumpkin patch!

  2. I LOVE all the food at Taggert's Grill - would love to have an excuse to go again if I win your gift certificate! Mmmm......
    Looking forward to your sale.

  3. I still want to come and get a 31. I am such a major slacker. Sorry! I had the baby. Wahoo! He is just so sweet. I will make it over there eventually and if not before the boutique, I will come the night of in hope that there will still be some for me.

  4. Thanks so much for the wonderful evening last night. I am still talking about it to my family and friends. You gals really know how to throw an amazing event. I look forward to attending next time. I will be blogging about it in the next day or two.


  5. OH Meliss - I LOVE Taggarts! One of my top 5 favorite places to eat!! (Remember we saw you last time I went)! I hope I win so I have an excuse to go :) Thanks for the way fun night at the swap - I had a blast!!!

  6. I am so sad that I couldn't make it to the swap last night! I was hoping that you would say that it was extremely lame..:) I adore taggerts! I have never had the artichoke soup-I am thinking that I must! Thanks for the tip! I hope that I win!!! Have a happy weeekend!!

  7. Hi Melissa, I didn't make the swap last night but would surely love to go to Taggarts...I absolutely LOVE their Carrot Cake. The French Dip Sandwich is wonderful as well. A night out is well worth working for. I'll be to the boutique for sure!

  8. Chicken Artichoke soup is my fav at Taggart's! I'm not a fan of their Carrot Cake..... but I LOVE their Raspberry Cheesecake!

  9. The Swap was wonderful! I hope I can come again next year!

  10. Hooray for Swap!! It was crazy fun, you guys did an amazing job! THANK YOU! Can't wait to use my gift certificate I won next week! And I won't be mad if I have to get some carrot cake as well...

  11. I always look forward to your boutique! Luv their carrot cake.. It's amazing

  12. How amazing are you, so many things to do, so little time. You always get it all done. I could use some cake right about now. What a fun giveaway. See you at the weigh off today.

  13. I LOVE taggarts too. I sure hope I WIN!! :)

  14. New to your blog and I adore it! I also love Taggart's and would be delighted to win. Love the old typewriter and the Swap sounds like it would be a ton of fun!

  15. Yummy... Taggarts! Thanks for the giveaway. I'll be there Thursday!

  16. What a great giveaway, I am a fan of that soup!! Can't wait for the H&H show.. Thanks again for a great Swap, I loved it!!

  17. I loved the SWAP! It was amazing!!! I also hope to make it to your boutique.

  18. Oh Meliss... I love you so much.. What would i look forward too if I didnt have your parties.. I cant wait for this thursday and I am going to be right on time to get first picks!! Love ya Janelle!

  19. Thanks so much for such a fun night of girls are amazing!! How very generous of you to offer a gift certificate to Taggerts!! I have only dined there once but would love to go again! Here's hoping I am lucky again! Ha!
    Can't wait to dig into my lucky treats at the Boutique! See u Thurs!

  20. So I could come on here and tell you how fabulous I think that you are and I could win twenty bucks to taggarts? Sweet! i think that you are fabulous..on monday! I will b beack to tell you that tomorrow as well. :)

  21. Taggart's has the best outdoor seating in Utah, just watch for the rattle snakes!
    Aunt Barb


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