
I looked out my window & what did I see......

{lots & Lots of Pumpkins}

-the view from the friends & family door- 
For SaLE tonight during the H&H Fall Show 
6:00-8:00 tonight 
& 10:00- NooN tomorrow
{4011 Lilac Lane in Mt. Green} 

A great variety of pumpkins to choose from - Fat Jacks, Warties, all shapes & sizes & all with fantastic stems.  You're sure to find something perfect to spruce up your porch for the Autumn season. 

Hope to see you there- I'll be back to post a few sneak peeks later today- cute stuff!! 
{If I say so myself} 


1 comment:

  1. I LOVE your blog and ideas!!!! About 3 years ago I was leasing the home in Mt Green next to Natasha plyer we lived there for about 6 months but then plans changed, dang it! oh I miss it! Anyway I've always wanted to come to your show but wasn't sure if it was for everyone or what? Let me know! thanks! I'm also friends with Mandy. April Maw


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