
GR8 Weekend- ahead!

I have lots of fun things planned with my family this weekend. It's going to be busy but great! 

1st up- Audrey's Soccer game at 9:00 a.m
{must be the Fall when there is a soccer game every Sat. Morning} 
-She scored a goal last week in their win
hope she can do it again- 

2nd-  Off to see Mary Poppins in SLC with my 3 girls, sisters, Mom & Sis in Law
{I adore this movie!!-it is one of my all time favorites} 
I'm excited to see this with my girls this time around.  I first saw it in NYC with my Schmoopie 3 years ago.  My girls & I love to sing a long to the sound track & they think it's fun that they know how to spell- 

-New York, New York- Broadway!! - 
-I was so excited to buy a Mary Poppins umbrella at the show & thanks to a moment of weakness {letting my girls play with it one day} I get to buy a new one tomorrow!- 
Then.... jumping in the car right after the play & heading down  for the 3rd thing-  

LaVell Edwards Stadium & the BiG BYU/ Utah game.  
I can't wait- I love Football games in the Fall & I'm excited that this one won't be freezing like in past years. I'm looking forward to enjoying the crisp night air, nachos & cheering on the Cougs! Miss Mace gets to go to this game & she is super excited.  
{Rah, Rah, Rah, Rah Rah.....Go COUGARS!! }
-Ty & I on the field in 2009 before the game- Cougars beat the Utes 26-23 in OT- 

I love going down to the BYU games each year- this has been something I have done { & looked forward} to most of my life.  My Dad played Football at the Y & has had season tickets for as long as I can remember.  We would always do the long drive down to Provo {2 1/2 hours from our house} & back home after the game most Saturdays in the Fall.
{I LOVE it!}  
That's the reason we get to go down on the field prior to games is because of my Dad being a former player- it's so fun!  Can't wait to Rise & SHouT tomorrow night.

Hope you all have something wonderful to look forward to this weekend.


1 comment:

Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}