
What I wore & was looking at Wednesday


  It's been a long time since one of these posts & I thought I would do a quick one today
{I'll be back soon with lots of things to share... lots to tell you about so check back} 

Today I took my 3 girls down to the Gateway {in SLC} to play in the Olympic Fountain & met up with our good friends there for lunch & watching the kids splash in the water.  I wore my new Anthro shoes & walked them right past their old home on the way to the fountain. 
{Yes, I parked in the furthest away parking garage from the fountain,not too smart, but it was a great way to brake in
my cute yellow shoes} 
Now my Schmoopy & I are off to a friends 40th Birthday party- it's been such a fun day! 

This is what I am looking at today on my island
{they make me happy :)}

That's one good thing of hosting, throwing or decorating an event- you get to keep & have beautiful flowers around for days after- ahhh! 
{not to mention the jar of Strawberry Jam, practically made with NO sugar, my neighbor brought over today- yum!}


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