
I may have a problem.....

  Okay, it's actually an obsession! 
What is it about seeing a cute, sparkly, big, over the top ring??  I see something I like & just have to get it.  I do like having a "statement" ring to wear. 
{I like to wear just a little something special some days}
- My fun ring collection {minus a few} The flowered looking ring on the bottom of my ring finger is my STAPLE everyday ring- I absolutely adore it!  I am also loving wearing the big green flower one lately & the rounds of fabric one too. You can never go wrong with turquoise ones any day of the week either!- 
Well... I had to go to Target today & saw the thick black sequiney ring & just had to have it. 
{I'm wearing it tonight to see Harry Potter 7.2 at 9:00- wa-hoo!!} 
I'm heading out tonight with my 3 Sisters, Mom & Miss Mace to celebrate Mace's Birthday Eve with dinner & a movie.  
{Way to go finishing up Book #7 just in time Mace} 

Mace & I made a pact a long time ago that 
{since we were way late starting to read the Harry Potter series} we wouldn't see the movie before we had read each book 
{the books are ALWAYS so much better!!}

So glad we did it this way & I would recommend that to any of you out there who haven't discovered the world of 
Harry Potter yet. 

Anyone else out there excited to see the Deathly Hallows?  
Can't wait to see it all on the big screen & hopefully see how it all ends 19 years later.... All is Well.
{Yeah- for Harry!!} 



  1. I love you rings mom!! I guess I get the ring obsession from you:)
    love miss mace

    you just get them everywhere?

    I did not die...i came back to life....well, kinda. :)we need to meet up!

  3. Thanks Mace!
    Annie- Yes, I just find them here & there. The last couple of fun ones I've gotten are from Target but I also love to look at American Eagle & the Buckle. p.s. Glad to see you back in the blogging world!! ;)

  4. I'm jealous! I wish I was going to see Harry Potter! I am a huge fan, but didn't get tickets. boo! Love the rings too!

  5. I'm with you on the rings...found some cute ones on our visit to Dallas.

  6. Oh my word...darling. To bad we don't live closer so we could swap!! (just for a day or to)


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