
An "Event"ful weekend


  This past weekend was jam packed with fun, fabulous events & activities that I wanted to share with  you. 
{So bear with all the photos!}

Friday July 1- My 1st ever Decorating "GiG
I had a blast dreaming up the decor for this "Anthoropologie" inspired Wedding Shower party. 
Lucky for me I had a great assistant to help me with all the details start to finish {& she LOVED every minute of it} 
Thanks Mace! 

We loaded up our car {believe me it was PaCKED!} & headed down to Layton to the most quaint, charming backyard ever & set up this- 

The backdrop- I absolutely loved the old fence & trees-  The perfect spot for a casual party.  I set up the buffet table with a variety of frames on the top of the table & then stacked tin, glass & wooden cake stands through out the frames. 
{wish I would have stuck around for the party to get pictures of it all topped with yummy food}

Miss Mace & I had lots & lots of these blooms to place here & there.  They were made out of cupcake wrappers, the yellow pages, books  & coffee filters.  Here we put them on the sides of the buffet table & also tucked a few on the dining table around the yard to tie it all together. 
Just a little **Bling** for the evening.  I was given this porcelain hand from my in-laws for my B-day. They found in at an antique store & thought I would appreciate it 
{which I do, they know me well} 
A little bit of history it was used to dip into latex & to form latex gloves- 
FYI- its a size small. 

Just a shot of one of the tables topped with yellow blanket, an old wire basket stuffed with an old paper patterns & a set of candlesticks {mismatched of coarse} & some fragrant peonies in an old honey can. 
This fun table packed alot of color- from the soft patterned bed sheet table cloth & the bright colored scarf 
{yes, it's one of my ANthro finds} 
& a wooden carved bird perched on top of a stack of books & the amazing turquoise wooden carry-all stuffed with more old patterns & book pages rolled up. 
Another fun table- I love the yellow flower pattern on this old sheet & all the colors of the old globe & the little owl & baseballs thrown in for fun inside an bright colored frame. 
I love to collect unique & old bottles.  They can be used for so many things- in this case simple & sweet vases they are sitting inside a H&H frame with a paper made flower taped to it. 

And this is how we rewarded ourselves for a job well done- a cherry ice cream slushy for Miss Mace & a Cherry D.C. for me.  Very refreshing!! 
{If you would like to ask me about decorating your next party or any other info. just email me to get more info.

Saturday July 2- Up to the clear blue skies of Park City to decorate for Talisker's BiG 4th of July Party.  It was so fun to see all the Red, White & Blue up there- so pretty & patriotic. 
I get these opportunities to help decorate for these fun events thanks to my friend, Matt, the master mind behind it all. This year the theme for the party was all things USA. So each food booth was dedicated to a specific region in the U.S.- California, Memphis, Texas, the South &  Louisiana 
The food all sounded A-Mazing! 
{wish I could have stuck around for that but it's like $250. a plate & you have to be a member- dang it!} 

The darling & fresh Farmer's Market booth- I got to work on this with my friend Becky. It was so fun playing around with all the produce & stacking it in baskets of wire & wood & creating levels 
{the key to ALL presentation, in my opinion!} 

You can't have a BBQ without thinking of Texas!  Lots of rope, bandannas & of coarse a great old saddle set up on the side. 

A quick picture of the kids station.  I loved the old trike & little bell with the sign- Let Freedom Ring- so cute!  Happy Birthday America! 

Thought this little arrangement on the table was colorful & cute! 
My fun decorating friends- Sheryl & Becky.  We always have such a great time together & this time we got a free tan to go along with all the decorating- even better! 
Monday July 4- Up to my little home town of Lewiston to celebrate with family & friends.  This has to be one of my most favorite days of the year.  I love this country & all that it offers. I love to see our flag flying & singing the national anthem- it always bring tears to my eyes. I love to put on my Red, White & Blue outfit & make sure the girls all have something festive to wear. I love to watch the parade go down the street & see lots of family & friends. 
-I'm proud to say that I have only missed 1 Lewiston 4th of July in my 37 years & that was because A&E were only 1 month old- 

-My family with my sweet Grandma Hall on main street in beautiful downtown Lewiston.  Love everyone in this picture & my hometown!! -

We rushed home just in time to party with some of our friends & neighbors & enjoy a fantastic BBQ.  There was so much yummy food to choose from. 

- our porch with Old Glory flying proudly- 
-My amazing friend Nicole, the hostess for the BBQ, made everything so fabulous.  Fun banners hung around the house & she made all these festive tags for all the food.  I loved this one with the jewels- so cute! 
 -Then it was time to mark your spot to watch the fantastic FiREWORK show. Mace, Hy & Yoda are ready for the show.  It was a perfect way to end the day- love fireworks!! 

Hope you all had an fun-filled "Event" ful 4th of July weekend too. 



  1. i love all the inspiring photos of the shower and Talisker. Thanks for sharing. Great ideas!!!!!!!

  2. Everything turned out so cute! I think it is so fun that Macey came with with you. I just love that girl!

  3. Your decorating makes me smile! It's darling and creative and daring. Awesome! Love it!

    Glad you had so much fun on the 4th. It's good to be with family in your hometown. I've been to Lewiston. One of the Hubs missionary companion lives there.

    Have a good weekend.

  4. I came across your blog while I was blog hoping and wanted to tell you CUTEST BLOG EVER!!! Thanks for sharing all your fun ideas and I absolutely LOVE you kitchen!!! Hope you don't mind I stopped to check your blogspot out!

  5. Connie, who is your husband mission comp.? I probably know him ;) & thanks to you & Elizabeth for leaving a comment- I LOVE seeing new friends to the blog!!

  6. Hey Friend!!! Darling ideas... thanks for taking the time to share!! I need to get pics of the Talisker Event. The set up on Friday wasn't near as fun...(or worth picture taking) as the Saturday set-up. Crazy that we covered hay bails with patriotic fabric that had been 'dry-cleaned'. haha. YUP!!!! Pretty sure that darling daughter of yours has her 'mommas' talent.
    Love ya, DiAne

  7. Hyrum says yoda look happy to be on you blog! hl Macey is Hyrums best friend!!
    may the force be with you!:)
    love Jedi Hyrum!


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