
**Special edition- What {We} wore {last} Wednesday!

6.1.11- {5.25.11}

I am so excited to {finally} share this post with you. Last Wednesday I sat down to load my pics onto the computer from my camera & accidentally put the photo card into the CD drive. OOoPpS!!

{$50 bucks later & a trip to the Mac store I learned my lesson to be more careful}

Anyway this is a {double} W.I.W.W because Miss Mace is going to participate too. We both had fun places & things to do last Wednesday that we wanted to share.
-I'll go first because Miss Mace is at a Volleyball camp all day, she'll write later -

This is what I wore-
I got dressed up to go to Lunch with some neighborhood friends to celebrate our FavOrite things!
{I was soooo happy it was a Sunshiny day & be able to wear my new cute black pumps & capris}
Love this shirt I got from Buckle! I like the way it looks with the roushing & the neckline- so fun & different. Not to mention the sleeves & bottom of the shirt & how it is trimmed- love it!  This was outfit choice #2 to wear to Studio 5,  I liked the shirt so much I just had to keep it.

I met up with a bunch of friends for lunch at Rainbow Gardens in Ogden & bring with me a bag of a few of my favorite things to give to someone. The only rule was you had to spend between $20-25 dollars but it was completely up to you what to bring.
{loved the idea- thanks Tammy for putting it all together} 
 this is what my bag consisted of:
-Miss Mace made the cute blossom on the bag- thanks Mace!- 
1- a 4-pack of my absolute favorite pens to write with
{and they have to be blue ink}
2- Post-it notes
{my favorite thing to have in my junk drawer}
3- Orbit Sweet Mint Gum
4-Bath & Body lip gloss
{I swear I have every shade & flavor- love them!}
5- last but not least an Oprah magazine
{I thought since it was a favorite things party & the day of her last show it was a must + I just enjoy magazines!}

This is my basket I got in return- {Thanks Amberlee!}
all packed up in a darling yellow basket that she got at the 365 Swap {how fun is that!}

1- Raisinets
{which I ate half the box of on the way home} 
2- Werther's Chewy Carmels
{Which I shared with Em- she loved them!}
3-  Dorothy Lynch Dressing
4- Extra peppermint gum
5- Fels Naptha detergent
{apparently I was the only at the table who doesn't use this already & my friend actually makes her own laundry detergent out of this. You can read more about it on her blog- {Here}
6- Cool Ranch Doritos
{A&E's after school snack-yum!}
7- Thai Kitchen can of Coconut milk w/ recipe
8- Double Stick tape

9- Jergens Natural Glow Daily Moisturizer
{which I have been using & can see a difference already- yeah!}

What a fabulous idea! 
I might have to throw my own Favorite things party someday.
{I have lots of more favorite things to share}

It got me thinking.......
 what would YOU put in your bag of favorite things?? 
{Leave me a comment & tell me one thing you just HAVE to  & use. I would love to hear!} 

Happy 1st day of June friends! 
Be sure to turn over your calenders today 
{another one of my favorite things to do} 



  1. Favorite Things!

    Oh, I could go on and on about my favorite things but I'll just share one...

    Where Women Cook Magazine/book Jun/Jul/Aug 2011 issue.

    (today I might make the oreo stuffed chocolate chip cookies shown in the magazine)

  2. YuMMy! If you make your oreo stuffed cc cookies please save me a few- I'll have to stop by your house :)

  3. Love reading your posts, thanks for sharing! That was such a fun lunch date!

  4. Thanks Amberlee & thanks for my fabulous basket!! :)


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}