
Desperately seeking SPRiNG!

I am so over with Winter! {anyone else?}
I am longing for warmer weather, spotting daffodils poking up through the ground, being able to sit on my porch in the sun while sorting through the mail, seeing the grass in my yard & just seeing some color around me!!
Since outside isn't providing too much I decided to look around my home for some cheerful color spots that make me :)

Love the combo of turquoise & mustard yellow.  I found the globe at a local thrift store & bonus it is actually a light too!

-Honeysuckle {color of the year} Lime, Turquoise & Orange 
We got the candy tin as a gift at Christmastime & I fell in love with the color & just had to keep it around, even before I knew it was the color of the year.
{the contents of the tin  however did not last long-yum!}

In my search for SPRiNG {although signs of winter still linger outside} I decided to pack up all these chilly friends in hopes that it might make the snow melt faster. {fingers crossed}

 And I found this as I was packing up all the Winter/ Valentines decor.  Isn't the crepe paper heart the sweetest?  I don't know if one of my girls made that or if it just naturally appeared from stringing the crepe paper up for our Valentines dinner- anyway it made me smile when I saw it.

Here's to hoping that SPRiNG is quickly on it's way!

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