
A Valentines {Tradition} re-cap


 I couldn't let the month of February go by without sharing a wonderful family tradition we do to celebrate Valentine's Day in our home.  This tradition has goes back to 1995 when my husband & I were dating and students at Utah State. Ty invited me over to his apartment for a candlelight dinner
{on a cardboard table w/ a Valentines table cloth}
we dined on Quiznos sandwiches {turkey bacon guacamole} potato chips {my fav-cheddar sour cream} &  raspberry jello salad.

He decided to reenact that dinner several years ago with Macey has his helper & 6 years later we still turn the kitchen into a magical place to have our Quizno sandwiches by candlelight every Valentines night. Tyler always dresses up in his Tux to serve dinner & the girls always dress in their finest too.
{You can imagine in a house of all little girls how much they loved Ty putting on his tux, each year he tries to get out of it but the girls won't let him!}

-Mace & Ty in 2006. Love the way she is looking up at him. Oh, I need to grab some tissues!-
Macey always takes our order & serves our drinks to us.  The last 2 years Audrey & Emily have been the "decorating" committee & they enjoy contributing to the special night. They make little decorations, string crepe paper around the room & cut out paper hearts.
{It was Emily's idea to light up the "dance floor" this year- this was a first}

Each year little things change but some things ALWAYS have to stay the same or else there will be tears-

-the tux has to be worn! {You're a good sport Ty, love you!}
- We {A,E & I } have to wait to be seated by Macey
-Macey has to read us the menu & take our orders
-Quiznos sandwiches & potato chips have to be served {I have to  eat the Turkey Bacon Guac.}
-We HAVE to drink from fancy glasses {of coarse!}
-Ty always gives us girls a gift at dinner
-pictures of the girls with their Dad
- & there must be dancing.

Just like the 1st dinner there is dancing afterwords & the girls love it!  It melts my heart each year to watch each of my girls dance with their Dad & see how much they have grown from year to year. It wasn't too long ago that he held A&E in his arms & Macey would stand on his feet & dance around the room.  I adore watching them &
I don't even mind having to wait my turn to dance with Ty. 

-So if you'll indulge me here are some of the pictures from recent years-

-2006, Sleeping Beauty & Snow White came to the dinner-

-Mace taking the order-

-Mace serving dinner in 2007-

-The Princesses make an appearance again in 2007. Love the days of the dress-ups & that in their minds they were REALLY dressing up in their best for the occasion-

-Sleeping Beauty with her Dad-

-Ty & Snow White-

-Mace & Ty-

- The girls & I in 2008-

-Audrey excited for the addition of Cheetos to the menu-

-Audrey added a spotlight to the dancing in 2008-

-Em in 2009-

-Em & her Dad in 2009-

-Ty & I -

-Everybody Dance in 2009-

- Our Valentines Dinner 2011-

-Our favorite Valentines waitress {I can't believe she can wear my shoes!}-

-Ty & I - 15 years since the 1st Valentines Dinner-

-Love  this picture of Audrey dancing! :) -

-Em with Ty, it was her idea to light up the dance floor this year.  She strung Christmas lights around the area rug.  It made it so fun!-

-Can't believe how much Miss Mace has grown from the 1st time her & her Dad planned our Valentines dinner in 2006. Thanks Mace for always planning this special night with your Dad for our family- love it & you!-

Oh, how I love having this tradition in our family. 
It is always such a special night for us. I love that we look forward to this every single year & it wouldn't be Valentines Day without it.
{I'm so blessed to have 3 wonderful girls & 1 great guy in my life!}



  1. That is honestly the CUTEST thing I have ever heard!!!! I love all the pictures of Ty dancing with the girls.

  2. OMGosh! Megan just said, "Macey's hot!" Love it! So what Quizno's did you use?

  3. What special memories you have and are creating with your girls........they will treasure these times forever!

  4. Totally Touching, It must be the pregnancy but my kids are all in bed and I'm sitting her with tears in my eyes thinking how sweet that is. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Did you like my tux pants this year?


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