
Simple & sweet!


How sweet are these delightful little pom pom flowers!  I'm going to have to make me a whole bunch to put on the mantle to get through dreary January.
Love the simplicity of them.
You KNOW how much I love to look at magazines - inspiration on every page!
{anyone out there thrown your own Magazine Monday party yet? If so I would LOVE to hear about it}

-photo from Country Living Feb. 2011-

I love getting together with friends for lunch.  I met up with my Cultivate friends today to talk, laugh & eat some yummy pizza at Arella Pizzeria in Bountiful.{right next to Lowe's in Bountiful} 
We had the Buffalo Chicken, The Classic & The Arella pizzas & all shared a slice.  I may be taking Ty back to get the Arella- pears, arugula, blue cheese & white sauce- DELICIOUS!  Thanks N & H for a great lunch & for sharing with me your one little word for 2011.  Looking forward to planning a few 365 Swaps during the year too- I'm excited!!

To top it all off I had to go to Costco to get some things & picked up a bag of Dark Chocolate Pomegranates to munch on on the way home.
Good for me right? 
Dark Choc. + Pomegranates = somewhat healthy heavenly snack
{at least that's how I'm looking at it! :) } 


**I'll be back tomorrow to share what I made this weekend.
-Like my newest song to my playlist. I saw her sing it a couple of years ago on Oprah & liked the message of the song.  {So you act, so you feel, so you are- There's hope, it doesn't cost a thing to smile, you don't have to pay to laugh :) } So True, Be happy everyone!

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Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}