
Everyday {household items} inspiration

  Today I have a little sickie home with a fever so I'm not accomplishing too much. As I was looking at my computer {considering cleaning the luandry room} & I came across these pictures of some Anthropologie windows on FB.

How clever is this- CLOTHESPINS!
I don't know if you remember seeing these growing up or maybe they were just in Utah {a R.S. thing} but in my house growing up we had a little rocking chair, that my Mom made, entirely out of clothes pins.  She would take them apart & then glue them back together in a certain way to make a little chair out of them. 
Does anyone out there remember what I'm talking about? 
I wonder if my Mom still has that little chair tucked away somewhere?
Anyway that is what this picture reminds me of.  I think I get some of my desire to create things from my Mom, she did alot of things when I was younger- Calligraphy, tole painting, sewing & clothes pin art  :)

-Hard to tell but the circles on the dress are zippers wrapped around & around!-

-HANGERS & ribbon!  I feel like I am looking at a sunset with little fying birds all around. So cute!-

Thanks for the inspiration Anthropologie- I think I can now go tackle cleaning my Laundry room & appreciate all the clothespins & hangers in there & see them in a new light!
{I'm off to clean have a wonderful long weekend!}


*I'll be back soon to announce the dates for the upcoming Hollyhocks & Honeybees SWeeT show- just in time for VaLeNTiNeS Day!


  1. I had a clothespin rocking chair!

  2. I put up my v-day decorations today and found the cute frame I bought last year at the H&H boutique. Sweet!


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