
Thanks for playing along..... & the Winner is


Drum roll please........
& the winner is-
Heather @ Hippy Chippy junk!

-I had Santa's little helper help me draw out the winning slip before she was off to school-
Yeah!  Your gift certificate will be waiting for you up at the checkout counter at The {Holiday} Hive. Thanks for entering & can't wait to see you!

Thanks to everyone who entered & "BuZZed" one way or another about The Hive, I appreciate it!

Okay, how great are these NeW road signs I had made to lead the way to The Hive.
-I just LOVE them!-
Thanks to Rich & Amberlee for putting them together for me. I think it was just meant to be that I worked with them on this project because their business is Buzz Graphics  {how perfect is that!}  So as a thank you I will "BuZZ" about their business ;)  

-Just follow the signs, they will POINT the way-

One last {1st time} vendor to introduce you to-
Captures Photography {Haley Miller}
Yeah, she is coming!!
{I have been asking her for a year now, maybe she just agreed to do it to get me off her back ;) }

I have been wanting her to come so that all of you who always ask me about all my family photos & who takes them can finally meet Haley & get all the info. you need to contact her.  She is amazing!  I have absolutely adored everything that she has ever "Captured" of my family.  She is so innovative & creative with all the pictures she takes.  She has the amazing ability to dream up a backdrop & then create it with her own 2 hands to make it a reality. {not photo shopping}
I'm so excited to introduce her to all of you & to call her my friend.

Okay, off to Yoga & then busy, busy tackling by to-do list with about 100 things on it- augh!
Hope to see you all tomorrow or Saturday Wa-hoo!!


  1. YEAH I WON!! How far is your house from the Riverdale Target?

  2. 22 miles :) Just up the canyon if you stay on 1-84. I posted the directions on the right of my blog.


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}