

 -I really would like to learn French-
{I have wanted to for some time now}

-Here are a couple of French words that have meant something to me this week- 
Soiree-  noun, a French word meaning an evening party or gathering, typically in a private home for conversation & music. {I love the meaning of this word, it's one of my favorite things to do}
I hosted a Holiday Ornament Soiree at my home this week with some friends from near & far.
I'll have some more photos to share soon - thanks R!

-Miss Mace & I getting ready to host the Soiree-

La Bonne Vie- noun, a decadent little patisserie of confections @ The Grand America in SLC.
{WATCH this charming little promo- I LOVED all the design that went into it- so delightful!}
We spent the weekend here & had a wonderful time celebrating the Holidays in the City.  I think this may have to become an annual tradition for the Quigley's.  We rode Trax to Temple Square to see the lights, ate a delicious dinner & breakfast at the Grand, swam in the pool & played a delightful game of ABC's in the Grand shop windows.
{if you're in SLC this week you have to stop in & play for
 a tasty treat from La Bonne Vie}

Au Revoir!

*Just wondering how many of you out there can speak a second language- if so say hello by leaving me a comment in that language, S'il vous plait. {please}


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}