
The Hive proudly presents.....


The Hive is proud to present the following busy bees who will be coming to The {Holiday} Hive this week

 First up- Tori Andersen {the face behind Apostrophy Designs}
Tori's designs have been at The Hive since the beginning & is always a favorite with customers.  She has such a whimsy, fun way to turn something ordinary {ZIPPERS} into something fashionable & extraordinary. 
I am happy to have her designs grace The Hive once again.  Perfect for all girls you have on your Christmas list you are sure to find something to please them from Apostrophy Designs!

-adorable Zipper rings-

-I'm definitely going to have to have one of these! *Bling-Bling*-

-Always popular Zipper headbands in a variety of colors-

Be sure to "ZiP" on over to The {Holiday} Hive this Friday & Saturday.
REMEMBER to "BuZZ" about The Hive for your chance to win a $25.00 gift certificate to spend at The Hive
{all the details in the post below}

Keep on "Buzzing"  you have until Wednesday night at Midnight
More sneak peeks tomorrow so check back- I'm off to the Rockettes!!


1 comment:

  1. Hope you enjoyed the Rockettes. We went on Saturday and had a great time.


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