
Hello November!

  What a fun date today is! 
 {A cute friend of mine wrote that on FaceBook today & I thought it was so clever, Thanks Lesa!}

Yeah!  A new month, turn over the calender, celebrate it, embrace it & enjoy each day!
I've decided that in honor of November I am going to write down 3 things each day that I am grateful for.
I did this many years ago & still have my little journal that I look back on often, when I am feeling a little down, it cheers me up, lifts me & helps me look for the little joys each day to celebrate & give thanks for.
-So here I go.... the first 3 things-

1- A sweet friend {who I am actually grateful to have in my life each & every day} who always listens to me & then asks what she can do to help me.  How neat is that? 
She is an AMAZING example of service & someone who is always thinking of others. 

2- A vacuum! {oh, the modern conveniences of life!}  I have had leaves & pieces of straw ALL over my house today. Maybe having a hay bale on the front porch & a little girl in a Scarecrow costume wasn't the best idea, but she sure was a cutie!

3- My Family of 5! We just got our family pictures taken & I absolutely LOVE them! {the photo shoot was a blast!  Popcorn &  Ice cream to eat & fake mustaches to play with, I mean come on!!} You can see them all here.  I can't wait to get the disk from H & print some out to put up around the house.  I love filling our home with pictures of our family, it makes me happy.  I'm truly blessed to have Ty & the girls around me each day.

Happy November everyone! See you tomorrow.


  1. I love this post! What a good idea. You always make my day happy with your positive attitude. :)


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}