
Day 7- Day of rest


  1- Sundays- I love being able to have a day of rest. {I like that todays date is actually the 7th- perfect} A day to get re-fueled, recharged  & ready for the week ahead.

2- Church{I'm singing the song in my head right now.... I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints...}
So grateful to have the gospel in my life.  Can't imagine where I would be without it.

3- Sunday Dinner already done {Thanks to my sweet in-laws for this & watching our girls yesterday} Since Tyler's new calling in our ward a couple of months ago, Sunday dinners have kind of gone the way of the world, just because his schedule is so crazy on Sundays. I've kind of gotten away from making a BIG meal for our family, but my terrific in-laws sent us home last night w/ chicken, squash & pumpkin cake to eat.  Yum- can't wait.

-Enjoy your Day of Rest everyone-


* P.S. I'm looking forward to tomorrow when Studio 5 stops by to Celebrate the Small Things with a few friends at my house- yeah!! {more details to come} 

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