
Day 25- HaPPy THaNKSGiViNG!

HOpe you all had a wonderful day with Family & lots of yummy tasty food.  Oh, how I look forward to THanksgiving every single year.

So today, as a BIG finish  to writing 3 thngs each day, I decided to write 10 things I'm grateful for -

1- Turkey
2- Skype- we got to chat & see the B family in Oregon- love you guys!
3- Chocolate Cream Pie- Delish!
4-Nieces & Nephews
5- My Mother in Laws terrific homemade rolls
6- watching past BYU/Utah games on TV- Gooo COUGARS!
7- Macey feeling better
8- My in laws home
9- Happy Helpers- I had my 3 cute nieces helping me on a project today
10-  The opportunity to list things I have been grateful for for the past 24 days.



  1. Thanks Melis we had fun seeing you too. You all looked so stinkin cute, I have to say I missed the rolls and the Dixie salad. Good Luck tree hunting I wish I was there. Miss you guys!

  2. I buzzed my family about your Hive, please enter me in your drawing.
    Aunt Barb


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