
LuCKy- I owe it all to "Ellie"!


I have been rather fortunate lately &  I owe it all to Ellie the Elephant. 
My sweet sister, Becca, got this little black elephant at Target & gave it to me.  Why, you might be asking would she give my siblings & I a little black "Ellie" well.... my Mom has one in her house that she got from my Grandpa Ford's house when he passed away.  Accordingly to tradition, or an old Chinese proverb or something, if you have a black Elephant in your home & point his trunk toward the front door its sure to bring GooD LuCK! 

Well... it sure has for me & my family ever since putting her on the shelf 2 weeks ago-

1-my little girl scored her 1st goal in soccer this year!
{ensuring a 2-1 ViCToRy!}
2-had a great turn-out for my H&H "BoO"-tique.
3- got a call from a KSL Studio 5 producer asking me to help with a segment in November- yippee!!
{more to come on this- I'm very excited}
4- had my name drawn out for a contest on my friends blog
{won this}
5-Miss Macey tried out for a singing part in Choir & got it. Way to go Mace!! {concert tonight}
6-got a free sitting for family pictures as a thank-you, from one of my clients, for handing out some flyers for her.
{how NiCe is that?  Thanks L, can't wait to see the pictures}

As I wrote down some of the things that have happened lately it made me realize that so many blessings & opportunities come into my life through wonderful family, friends & acquaintances. I am truly blessed to know so many wonderful people in my life.  

Hope you have had some good things coming into your life lately too
{if not maybe try go buying a black elephant ;)} 



  1. KSL! that is very cool - congrats!

  2. I've been waiting for the day when you'd be appearing on KSL. I just knew you'd be on it someday.

  3. Oh, thanks friends! It should be alot of fun. I'll have to post more about it as it gets closer. {Set your DVR's for November 18th}

  4. Love our Ellie Elephants. Glad yours is working for you. :)

  5. Ellie must me doing overtime at your house, because I haven't had any luck come my way (at least not yet). Here's for hoping. :)


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