
A couple of delightful days!

I have just had the pleasure of sharing the last couple of days with some of my wonderful friends. I'm grateful to have so many people around me daily that inspire me, lift me up & are a delight to be around. What we would do in life without wonderful friends?

On Monday some friends came over to chat, share ideas & look at a wide variety of magazines together. We call it "Magazine Monday!" I love to get magazines in the mail {some of my favorites include- Martha {of coarse} Pottery Barn catalogs, Restoration Hardware catalogs & Country Living} Everyone brings a few of their favorites with them & we all sit around looking through the pages for ideas & inspiration while eating some tasty treats.
It's a great way to spend an afternoon!

Today I had the pleasure of meeting 2 of dear friends at Vintage Cupcake Co. in Ogden. {on 24th Street, one block past Washington} We all loved the decor & atmosphere inside the little shop. So vintage & charming! Just all the eye candy was enough to satisfy us without a cupcake.

{but we still had to buy one!}

After the cupcake shop my friend & I went to Bath & Body in the mall {another one of my favorites} I love to go there, especially when I have some good coupons, to stock up on soap, fragrances & the yummy peppermint lip glosses.
{they are addictive, I think I have at least 8 pairs here & there}
My FAVORITE scent is -Leaves. It's the perfect scent for Fall.
I even ran into one of my clients there & it was fun to talk to her for a bit. Since I talked my friend into going with me I was going to let her use my coupons & she would pay me back but the super, helpful, nice cashier let her use all my coupons too. I love it when someone offers great customer service, it made my day. So I got all of this stuff for only $40!! Plus she gave me 3- 20% off coupons to use next month!
Oh, the joy this gave me :)

To top it all off I went to yoga tonight, taught by another sweet friend of mine, it was a great day start to finish with everything in between.
{walking my girls to the bus stop in the morning & seeing other parents there, meeting Ty & his friend at his pumpkin patch today, talking to friends in my backyard, phone call from a friend, jumping on the tramp with a little buddy, having a friend bring me a batch of tasty gazpacho, seeing my girls playing outside with all their friends & having my Sis around too}

So grateful for wonderful people that fill my life with joy!



  1. What's your secret? Where do you get all your positive energy? :)

  2. Of course Kendra and I had to go check out the cupcake place. Very fun place. Kendra put a picture of S on her blog with S sitting on those cute little benches.


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}